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Messages - dmakenit

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EBay Forum / Re: Items not showing up in Ebay search results
« on: July 25, 2012, 12:09:59 pm »
I have been having the very same problem with my items on ebay. I noticed about 3-4 weeks ago that strange things were happening with my listings. A few of the items I have are listed under the same search terms, a small directory with maybe 30 total items returned in the search results.  Among those results my items are always located at the top of the search results. But lately when I run the same exact search, the results are not consistant? What I am experiencing is this? My items may be located at the top of the results or at the bottom of the results. I found that odd? I have been a seller on eBay for over 7 years and currently I am a Top Rated Seller. I never experienced that before. So I typed the search term over and over and started to notice that my items at certain times of the day (from just before noon until around 8-9 pm or later) were located at the bottom of the search results. Not just a few of my items but all of them.

What i did next was check all of the search terms for my items that normally returned results showing me on page 1 of the search results and noticed that those searches were none consistant as well. I would search for the item and be located on page 1 and then immediately search again and find I was so far back in the results that it would never be found. And some times not found at all in the searches. Again all this seems to be at the busiest time of the day for sales? At those times I would always be either not found in the searches or so far back that no one would ever find my listing?

It is starting to appear to me that there is much more going on then what eBay is telling us. If there are rules on how to construct our pages for eBay search engine optimization, then why are there inconsistencies in our search results. And why does it seem to be happening at the busiest times of the day when customers are shopping online looking for our products. I also have noticed that this does not seem to be affecting the larger sellers? Some of them not rated as Top Sellers as well? This is very alarming to me! I am starting to feel as though the search results are being manipulated and has caused many Ebay Sellers. Huge drops in lost sales! and Who knows how much hard work and time trying to optimize our listings to get better search results? I hope I am wrong about my feelings? I believe that this is more then likely the start of worse things to come for sellers like us? I wish every one the best and please comment on this gentleman's post. This is very alarming!!!!

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