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Messages - ironintofire

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Antique Questions Forum / Re: Antique glass cats?
« on: August 04, 2012, 10:07:38 am »
Thank you very much again, Wendy. I bask in your glorious informative services!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Antique glass cats?
« on: July 31, 2012, 09:05:13 pm »
Sorry about that! I definitely misunderstood what you'd originally written. Thank you again for clearing it up. I did some more perusing on that website you gave me, and happened to stumble on confirmation of some other Viking glass in my possession: 4 various sized amber glass mushrooms! Certainly a bonus!

Any idea on the value of either cats?

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Antique glass cats?
« on: July 31, 2012, 12:07:03 pm »
Yes, though I have found some information. I haven't been able to nail down anything for certain, though both Viking and Tiffin, as well as the previously mentioned companies all have images supporting similar styles. I do know it has to be hand-blown, there are no molding marks on it anywhere, but considering that I've found so many different names pertaining to this style of statue, I just don't know for certain. Maybe it's possible it could be all of them, or even none of them. I've seen so many similar styles, different colors, even one of the same color. Perhaps I won't be able to put a guaranteed name to the piece, which is okay.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Antique glass cats?
« on: July 30, 2012, 05:10:32 pm »
Thank you very much Wendy! That was extremely helpful! I'll have to look for a copy of the book mentioned by Thor, are there copies circulating via the internet in a PDF style format? I'm certain I could locate a hard copy of it, at least long enough to peruse through, but I'll also look to see if I can find one online.

Edit: Here are several more pictures I took of the blue glass cat, hopefully these will be more beneficial.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Antique glass cats?
« on: July 28, 2012, 11:13:18 am »
Thank you guys, though I wish this could've been more helpful. I'm grateful for at least a time period they could have come from, as I wasn't sure what era they were out of. It'll certainly help me in trying to better locate information on them!

Antique Questions Forum / Antique glass cats?
« on: July 27, 2012, 09:21:31 pm »
Hello, I have been trying to find information on these two glass statues of cats I picked up as a kid at a yard sale. Included is a picture of the two of them with a ruler in-between to denote their height. I spent about an hour refining my search criteria trying to figure out what exactly they are, and who may have made them. The best I've gotten was a possible identity to the smaller, blue cat, which may be a Marino/Murano hand-blown. I've run across both of those names with similar looking statues, one blue and in a more forward looking pose of the same height, and the other an amber colored one like the taller of the two that was 5 1/2 " tall. I've been unsuccessful in finding any better information on them, so hopefully someone can help me.

Here is a picture of them, and I will provide a more in-depth description of them underneath, because my digital camera has died and I am forced to rely on a rather crummy cellphone camera.

The Amber Cat: 8 1/4" tall from base to tip of left ear, 2" deep at the chest, 3" wide from knee to knee. Absolutely no discernible maker marks. Well defined head and body; the head has a prominent brow, indented ears, oval shaped eyes and three whiskers on each cheek next to mouth. Neck is defined, as is chest, showing obvious separation of forepaws all the way down to the base. Three feet showing, both right feet and front left foot, 3 lines each to denote toes. Second hind left food "hidden" by tail. Has a single, unbroken line going all the way along the sides, from left to right, probable made in two pieces and put together. Could be machine made. Has completely smooth, flat bottom.

Blue Cat: 4 1/4" tall, 1 1/4" deep at chest, 2" deep at base. 1" wide at chest, 2" wide at base. Right ear sits directly upright, with indentation on both sides, deeper on the backside of the ears than on the front. Left ear is set almost horizontal, similar indentation as right ear, and is minutely smaller than the right ear. There is almost no other real definition, besides to small vertical slits for the eyes. No mouth, no nose, whiskers or paw style.

If anyone can help me with these, I would greatly appreciate it.

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