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Messages - jarryd1

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: old strad piano
« on: August 02, 2012, 05:54:47 am »
Thank you to everyone that is viewing my post I'm not really after value it was an accwired piano from a children's hospital and I'm really in the process of refurbishing it it plays beutfully I'm guessing it is from 1881 but whould love some info on where this  strad piano was made or eny info on the strad company at all :)  not really interested on what it's worth just some info about it :) again thankyou to everyone viewing my post..... :)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: old strad piano
« on: July 31, 2012, 10:49:28 pm »
hi thank you for veiwing my post i have uploded some photos of the old girl if there there is only one number on it and u can see it in the photo 1337 thats all there is it is written under some of the keys and on the pack of the piano lid i think it was to identify all the parts that went with this piano 1337  it looks soo old i had got it of an old naighbour  and he said that he got it from a home in sydney australia  (where i live)  with verry little identifacation on the piano it like thay dident want to be remebered for making the thing lol   hope the pictures help if there is eny more i can talke let me know oooooh AND IT ONLY HAS 85 KEYS I THOUGHT MOST PIANOS HAD 88....?


Antique Questions Forum / old strad piano
« on: July 31, 2012, 01:29:21 am »
hi i have an old piano and was wanting some info on it dont know if anyone can help me under the lid on the key board it says the name Strad  but there are very little numbers or emblams on the piano the only serial number i can find on it is -1337  it appers to be a very old piano that once did have candlelabras on it   can ANYONE PLEASE HELP ME TO IDENTIFY THE AGE AND WHERE IT CAME FROM......:(

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