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Messages - fiset94

Pages: [1]
My grandmother is 98 years old and on a good day can remember who I am.  :-[  She doesn't remember anything about the hats unfortunately. She also gave my father a picture of her Great Grandmother in a very old large frame- it is just awesome! She has several older items that were in her home.. so I wouldn't be surprised if the hats were in the 1920's.


Where would you suggest that I go and get them appraised at?


Sure.. no problem.- let me know if these photos will do the job.


I am new to this board ;D

I came across 2 older hats in my grandmothers home and she gave them to me as a gift. I was wondering if anyone knows if they are antique , or have monetary value.

The first hat has a label that reads:

Dorthy-Marie 6843 Belmont

The 2nd hat has a label that reads:

Replica de Parisienne

I have tried searching the net.. but have come up with nothing on these hats.

Any help would be Great!!

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