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Messages - jazz

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Antique Questions Forum / 1800 french silver claret jug ????
« on: January 19, 2007, 05:49:30 pm »
hello all,
i  have been on this forum many times before reading your interesting comments and advice but have only just registered.
i was wondering if anyone out there can maybe give me some advice on something i have recently inherited.
i belive it to be a very early french claret jug with a silver top which has a single hallmark of what appears to be a guard looking to his right wearing a headguard.
the glass bottom part of it i relatively plain except for a little pattern around the bottom. the thing that baffles me is that when you lift the lid there is a glass tube that is approx 1 inch wide that goes down the centre of the inside of the jug to the base. this does lift out. my thoughts are it would perhaps be used to put ice in and then put back inside the jug to keep the claret cool. i am not sure as i was under the impression claret was to be kept at room temprature and not cooled so is it a claret jug or maybe a water jug???? or maybe the tube is not for ice and used for something else??
at the moment my camera is away with my wife on holiday so i cannot show you any pictures for you to see.
please if anyone can help me i would be very very grateful as to know what it was that my grandfather loved so much about this jug.

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