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Messages - The Tinkerer

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I just unearthed a bit of information about Forest House, making the assumption that this is the same one written on the box -

The funny thing is I actually studied at Epsom College, its where I trained to be a carpenter many years ago.

I just found 1 too in the completed listings of eBay claiming to be Edwardian -

I assumed that the P.S. maybe the the first 2 initials of the chap who owned this. i.e. P.S. Mason but you may be right.

Heres are some more photos of the writing inside. It reads - P.S. Mason - Forest House - Epsom College

Thanks all.

Antique Questions Forum / Some advice on this magnifying glass please.
« on: August 21, 2012, 08:26:02 am »
Hello folks,

I did my usual round of the local charity shops today and picked up this little magnifying glass that I thought was really nice. It was labelled in the charity shop as an 'Edwardian Map/Chart Magnifying Glass'. It seems to be in good condition. It has a thread so that you can adjust the distance of the lens to the surface beneath. Both of the lenses are scratch free and it works really well (tested it out on a few pieces of jewellery this morning looking at hallmarks). The thing I really liked was that it came in its original box. Whoever owned it way back when had written their details on the inside.

I am wondering if anyone can verify if it is Edwardian, I am always suspicious when items are labelled Edwardian based on the fact that it was such a brief period of time. Also, are there any obvious tell tell signs that would help place an item as Edwardian like certain shapes, details etc?

Finally can anyone give me a rough estimate of its value?

As always thanks in advance for any feedback.

Hi KC,

They are 6 inch Diameter.

Thanks Mart.

Tx for the info BBC. I don't suppose you know if the mark above the bugle is indeed the Sheffield city mark?

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Need some info on what these are please?
« on: August 20, 2012, 05:13:12 am »
I was going off of what bbc-antiques said and started searching for placemats. Whilst I cant find anything like these I have found some placemats that have similarities i.e. shape etc to these like this one here which is a modern item I believe and fully fabric -

Ofcourse this is much bigger at 33 cm so I am still confused.

Antique Questions Forum / Need some more info about JD&S plates please
« on: August 20, 2012, 02:21:00 am »

I picked up these 2 silver plated plates by JD&S at the weekend from a car boot sale for £5. They are 6" in diameter, the tops of the plates are in reasonable condition with no missing or scratched off areas of silver plate, they are covered in light scratches though. The undersides have suffered quite a bit with several areas of missing silver plate particularly around the bass rim.

I have a few questions that hopefully someone can help me with.

1) I have read that the city mark for Sheffield was a crown and then later on a  rose. Is the symbol above the bugle on these plates the crown city mark for Sheffield? It does look a little crown like but not really in my opinion.

2) The best I have managed to achieve in dating this is between 1879 when they started using the bugle / trumpet mark and 1935 when they stopped electroplate manufacture. I have read that they did use the bugle / trumpet mark unofficially before 1879 though. Is anyone able to date these a little more accurately?

3) Does anyone know what specific type of plates these would have been i.e. side plates?

4) Based on their current condition is anyone who knows the UK market able to give a rough estimate as to their value? I know EPBM is less valuable due to it being more susceptible to the plate scratching off etc.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Need some info on what these are please?
« on: August 20, 2012, 01:20:03 am »
Thanks everyone.

I have had a good look around searching for both trivets and placemats and I have not yet been able to find any like these. I have come across various placemats made in a similar way to these though (octagonal in shape with linen edges) so I am convinced now that's what they are.

I was hoping to sell these on for £30 (£5 per mat) do you think that is a reasonable price for these? Also would it be fair to describe these as Vintage items?

Thanks again.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Need some info on what these are please?
« on: August 19, 2012, 02:30:19 pm »
The tiles did not come with any holder when we bought them from the charity shop, I guess if there were one it could have been lost years ago. They don't feel ceramic per say, just glassy and textured linen edges. I am going to go have a search now using the keyword Trivet and see if I can find any out there like these. Once again thanks for your help.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Need some info on what these are please?
« on: August 19, 2012, 01:37:37 pm »
Hi, thanks for the quick response. These seem way to big to be coasters at 6 x 6 inches and they are incredibly heavy. Me and my dad discussed that option but dismissed it due to the impracticality of using these as coasters.

I guess they could be though.

Thanks again.

Antique Questions Forum / Need some info on what these are please?
« on: August 19, 2012, 12:52:01 pm »

I recently picked up these unusual items from a local charity shop. I have been searching around on the net trying to find similar items in order to find out what they are.

There are 6 of them, shaped like tiles with the corners cutoff. Roughly 6" x 6" in size. Both sides are glazed. On one side is a lovely themed picture & on the reverse side it is shows the wood base and a small paper insert with the name of that piece. Each one has some kind of linen border / trim around the edge of the piece. I have no idea of their age as there appears to be no indication anywhere on them. I dont think they are particularly old though.

I was wondering if anyone could tell me what these are, or how they are referred to, and also any information about the period / shown in the images i.e. 16th 17th century for example?

Thanks in advance for any help :)

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