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Messages - e.mckenna730

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Love seat
« on: August 22, 2012, 06:47:47 am »

Thanks for your input. This is the second thing I inquired about on here and both times I was given some great insight! Without getting it reupholstered, what do you think the resale value of it is? If there is none, no biggie. I see that it won't be much especially since it will need to be reupholstered. Maybe $125?

Antique Questions Forum / Old Love seat
« on: August 21, 2012, 12:23:50 pm »

I acquired an old love seat that I am trying to get a better understanding about. There are some indications that it is an older piece but I can't seem to figure out the time period or the history, even the wood. From closer inspection it looks like it has been refinished. There are some areas where the stain is reddish and others where it is blackish. I took a look at the screws and nails. The line in the screws are off center and look like they have been handmade, same with the nails, they are uneven sometime squarish. I was wondering if this was of any value or for the dumps.


Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Typewriter Tanker Desk
« on: August 21, 2012, 12:13:13 pm »
The price of Scrap metal has gone through the roof over here!!!!

Haha, yea. It's interesting to see how styles seem to cycle back around. I've seen these sell for nearly $1,500 online. Granted, they were refurbished, but nowhere near as rare as this one. My thinking was, I either use this or something from an Ikea catalog that's flimsy and has no resale value.

A big Thank You for everyone's input! I've been trying to put a date to this and now I have a better understanding of the time period

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Typewriter Tanker Desk
« on: August 21, 2012, 10:00:52 am »
My goodness, remember seeing these in offices in the 60's (ones that weren't updated and got hand-me-downs from other businesses) and they were for the secretaries.  Agree with the time period with grasshopper.

Okay, this is odd.  The desks, chairs, office furniture that I have seen from General Fireproofing were made of steel. (Thus fireproof).  I haven't ever seen a wooden the pic may be misleading....other wise this should be a heavy metal desk that is cumbersome to move!

So you would agree that this is from the 40's? That's the time period I was thinking because ones made later on were a bit fancier. This is reaaaaally heavy. I forgot to add in the description that it was metal.  I need two other people to help me move it! What would you think the price of this would be? I paid 150 for it and it was pretty mucked up, I cleaned it and waxed it. It looks a lot better in person than it does in the picture. Wanted to know if I paid a fair price for it.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Typewriter Tanker Desk
« on: August 21, 2012, 09:44:30 am »
I'm sorry! I forgot to add that it is metal. It is EXTREMELY heavy. I tried to move it with my brother and we could barely budge it, (but then again I'm not the strongest person around). It wasn't until after I disassembled the sliding top to clean it that we could actually move it.

Antique Questions Forum / Old Typewriter Tanker Desk
« on: August 21, 2012, 09:32:21 am »
Hello everyone,

I have been scouring the internet to find out WHEN this desk is from. Pricing isn't too important as I plan to keep it but if you know about that too that would be great! The company is General Fireproofing and it has some wear and scratches. I found it at a location in New York City that takes building materials and various items from gutted/demolished buildings from the metropolitan area. It is obviously not a common model because I have not seen any that look like it on the internet. Using many, many, many, search terms and hours of my time, the same desks always pop up. I attached two images. Let me know if these give a good idea of when this desk is from. I would be happy to take more pictures if need be.

Thank you so much for your input!!

Liz  ;D

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