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Messages - itsallgood

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Antique Questions Forum / Re: Information needed on a Bracelet.
« on: August 22, 2012, 04:03:44 am »
Thank you for the replies so far.

My mother saw something that looked identical as the centerpiece in a jewelry shop in Windsor. When she asked the man about it, all he said was that it wasn't for sale and it was Swedish. Strange stuff.

EDIT - After googling "Swedish Bracelet 19th century" This popped up. Despite this looking far more attractive and obviously expensive, there seems some minor similarities in style.

EDIT - 2 Ok im stumped.

She was given the item whilst working at a nursing home from a woman I believe (not 100% certain) spent her life in India whilst Britain was the colonial power in charge.

Antique Questions Forum / Information needed on a Bracelet.
« on: August 21, 2012, 02:13:16 pm »
Good day folks.

I was wondering if anyone could take the time to identify what this bracelet is / its origins / style.
Ive been asked to do this on behalf of a family member with no access to the internet. Under normal circumstances I would attempt to identify it myself, however there are no markings visible. Ive been told its been in the family for quite some time. (50 years)

I'm stumped. Personally, I think it looks like hell.

Either way if anyone has any information at all it would be most welcome, regardless of its value or lack off.

Do excuse this post if this is frustratingly amateur and is simply messing up the forums.

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