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Messages - Sally99

Pages: [1]
Thanks very much all of you for your response. I'm not trying to make a 'quick buck', just interested in the origins of these two. They will continue to watch over all in my little knick knack room full of sentimental garbage.

I have two figurines - a boy and a girl - that I am trying to find information on. Where they are from, age, who made it. Even though they really aren't the nicest of thing, they have quite a sentimental value to me as they came from my great grandmother who died quite some time ago. I always remember them being in her house, but I have zero idea on anything else about them. There are no markings on them that I can see, so I can't even begin to research them that way. I am just curious to know a little more about them, so any info would be much appreciated. Link to picture below.

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