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Messages - iCollect

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Antique Questions Forum / Re: Strange Globe type ornament with ivory band
« on: September 10, 2012, 09:07:05 am »
Hey everyone! Fisrt of all I love this piece! what a neat find!

Secondly -Here is the info!

Thank you all! Truly made my day. What a wonderful site that is too!

A gold star for everyone! Haha

Its wonderful. I love it. Like bigwull said, I see those two faces, its really good. 1986 date is that right?

I personally hate polished silver, unless its a display piece or ceremonious piece. Small curios however remained tarnished in this household. You may find after cleaning this, the dents become very much more noticeable. Having said that I would sell in its condition its in now. That way there are no doubts about its age.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Strange Globe type ornament with ivory band
« on: September 08, 2012, 12:10:24 pm »
Looks like it has something to do with a card game...perhaps its spun and if it lands on a symbol the the chosen suit is played...and i,m glad you posted it gives me an idea for my big marble Ball!.... :D

Heh, glad t be of assistance. Yea I thought it may have something to do with cards, thought it was a decoration to a table but yours is an interesting theory. I hope more people can help me out here..?

Antique Questions Forum / Strange Globe type ornament with ivory band
« on: September 08, 2012, 11:59:00 am »
Hi there, new here but an avid curio collector for many years. Here is one I cannot work out.

Any help on date, country of origin, price etc. Would be very much appreciated.

Looks like a brass construct apart from the ball, which looks like copper, and a very finely done ivory band with enamelled "card suits" evenly carved into the ivory.

Again, thanks in advance for any info.

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