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Messages - mmesser222

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Thank you so much everyone for giving me useful info. I'm sure its not a must have item and it will be hard to find a buyer. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction!!

Thank you so much for all the help. My other questions are: where would I find the serial number, patent numbers? Also, I saw one on Worth Point that sold in 2010 but I am unable to see what it sold for. If anyone is able to look I would greatly appreciate it. This item was found at a family members house and we are still trying to figure out the connection as no one remembers it. It would be nice to see what the value is and how common it is. Thanks.

Thank you for all your suggestions and help. Sorry I forgot the pictures, here they are. Thanks again.

Hi,I am new here but am already in love this site. There is so much great information shared here. I need help with info on an addressing or stenciling machine made around the 1920's by Elliot Co. in Cambridge Mass. Besides the original advertisement I have found only one machine like mine. It is on WorthPoint and I am unable to find out everything about it. The machine itself is hand operated, cast iron, weighs at least 40 pounds and has a dial with all the different number/letter options. If someone knows anything about this please help me out. My husband believes this may be a historical item from the industrial revolution and I don't as there isn't really any info on it. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

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