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Messages - Goldmaster

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Antique Questions Forum / Re: Pre-Arthritic finger day,s
« on: October 03, 2012, 06:24:08 pm »
Nice work!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old leaded glass windows
« on: October 03, 2012, 07:35:54 am »
Thanks for the replies everyone. I may list them on Ebay over the weekend now that I have a idea of what they might be worth. Maybe a Buy It Now price of $799 for the set? Is it best to just sell items like these locally to avoid shipping? I'd be afraid of them gettting damaged if I ship them.

Antique Questions Forum / Old leaded glass windows
« on: October 02, 2012, 03:48:41 pm »
Hello again people! So, I have had these old leaded glass windows stashed in the garage for awhile and spotted them the other day. Not sure if they are actual windows, or if they came off some sort of cabinet. Anyway, since I am now a member of this forum, I figured I would post up some pictures to see if anyone can tell me anything about them. I see some on ebay going for big money, while others - not so much… So what makes them valuable? Is it the beveled glass? If so, these have beveled glass. ;D Anyway to decipher the age? They are dirty, but are still in good shape. No cracks, missing lead, etc. Onto the pics!

The flipside

Any info is appreciated!  :)

Thanks for all the replies everyone. I will be doing some checking around once I get the other piece home this weekend. Once I find anything out, I will post it up here  8)

Please post more pictures.

These items sell R E A L   W E L L!!!!

Check off list:
1) Good pictures with details
2) Any all identifying marks (initials even of craftsman)
3) Try and get any/all history
4) Once above is done contact reputable auction house as suggested above!!!!  THAT IS IF YOU WANT TO SELL IT!

Why was it at your work place?  Do you refurbish/refinish items?  Was your place of business an old church and redone into something else?

Okay, here are some more pics, including the other piece I have yet to bring home. Need to find some help to move this one! I think the pulpit piece maybe sat on top of this by the looks of the curve. I could be wrong though... Not really sure what type of wood it is made out of now. It could be a combination of stuff. 


Here are some more of the pulpit...

There are end pieces that attach to both sides with pegs and holes


It looks like the microphone mounts were added at some point. None of the screws match on those lol


The top slides up and probably had some sort of crank that has gone missing... So the top will not adjust and add any additional height currently.

top storage tray area

So I think that about does it for the extra pics I took. I could not find one single marking on the thing. You'd think whoever made it would want to put their name on it! Maybe I just need to look a little more. As far as the building it was stored in, it is just an office building (nothing church related). It belonged to the owner of the building, who stored it there for about the past 10 years. We needed the space, so he said this had to go. So that's where I came in.  :) He said I could have it and I didn't want to question him too much about it for fear he would change his mind  ;D I'd be willing to bet it came from a local Detroit area church. I believe he donates quite a bit to his religion. I may see what I can find out about it from him a little later on.

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I am in Detroit, MI. There are no stairs/steps. The other piece looks like it was cut away from whatever it was attached to. Like the front of a stage, and this pulpit piece was affixed to the top of it. I will post some more detailed pictures of it soon.

Antique Questions Forum / Anyone know anything about antique church pulpits?
« on: September 24, 2012, 02:57:42 pm »
Hey all, new to forum here. The main reason I joined is to find out if anyone knows anything about antique pulpits/podiums/lecterns. I recently save a very nice one from being tossed into the trash compactor at work. We were clearing out some storage rooms on the buildings second floor and we came across this piece (a couple shots):

I believe it is solid oak and is in excellent shape. The top is height adjustable. I don't know the age of it, but my best guess is it was made somewhere in the 20's?  There are no markings on it that I have found as of yet. I don't know squat about antique furniture, so I could be way off base though.  Anyway, my employer told me they wanted it gone and mentioned putting it into the trash compactor. But it seem liked such a shame for such a unique piece to be destroyed. I figured it has to be worth something. right? So I asked if I could have it instead... and they gave it to me for free! But the story gets better...

Earlier today, we found another piece that goes with it. It looks like the pulpit piece mounts to the top of it and it's the front of a stage or something. It's about 10ft long, 3ft high x 3ft wide and weighs an easy 300-400lbs. But it looks like it's the same design as the piece in the above pics. I haven't brought it home yet, so no pics right now. I really don't know what I have here and it could be worth a nice chunk of change, but I don't know how much of a market there is for this kind of stuff. I bet there probably isn't another one like it around though. So if anyone could tell me any info on this thing, it would be greatly appreciated. I am going to get it appraised eventually, but I just thought I'd see what you guys/gals have to say. Thanks in advance!  :)

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