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Messages - JAT

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Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Mexican sterling silver bracelet
« on: January 01, 2013, 12:35:34 pm »
Could very well be... unfortunately, and to reiterate makers marks with respect to Mexico aren't very well documented.  Will keep trying/searching.

I saw one the same but with different initials. Could it be someone made it for that company?

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Mexican sterling silver bracelet
« on: January 01, 2013, 11:50:16 am »
Same here Mart.... with respect to makers marks - it could be anything as there aren't very many makers marks that have been documented.  I also come across some other pieces with very similar styling but unfortunately the mark is totally different than this piece; one in particular I believe is a woman but unfortunately, and again, her mark doesn't match.  The search continues!

From Mart:  "Since these were usually only marked with the makers initials,, it could be anything !! But thats what it looks like to me !! I have looked at several others with different initials but similar styling !!" 

Antique Questions Forum / Re: What are these carved out of? Asian stuff
« on: January 01, 2013, 11:27:32 am »
I agree with Mart... if you could post these pics on this site rather than photobucket it might help us identify these easier.

If you could take good close pics of 1 or two items and post them on this site,,not photobucket,, we might be able to tell !!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: glass vase gold gilded
« on: December 31, 2012, 03:01:19 am »
Very pretty.  Any markings on the piece?

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Stamp
« on: December 31, 2012, 02:59:36 am »
Isn't it exciting to find things one would never expect stuffed in drawers, a book, garage, barn, et cetera?!  Very nice.  We have a metal detector which we use on occasion and have found some very interesting items, mostly junk I might add, but nevertheless every once in a while......

I just found a George Washington one cent stamp laying in a drawer with pencils and "stuff" rolling over it. On the internet I found out it is a Scott some number from 1914-1917. I don't know how to determine the perforation or waterstamp. I have seen some prices on the internet that has me a little nervous on how to treat this. Although as long as I don't throw it away it can't be any worse that how it has been treated for the last 90 years! Any help you can send my way on what to do to verify what it really is would help. I have a picture, but no cord to transfer to the computer with me. I'll post a pic tomorrow.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: What are these carved out of? Asian stuff
« on: December 31, 2012, 02:43:33 am »

My husband just may be able to help you out (tomorrow, or rather - later today... I didn't realize how late it was! - 2:45 a.m.!)  In either case I'll get back to you as soon as I can tomorrow.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Mexican sterling silver bracelet
« on: December 31, 2012, 02:02:35 am »
Hey Mart... Are you sure the mark is EDH?  And yup - the city of Taxco just north of the state of Guerrero is very popular!

Well it seems that Jewelry from Taxco region is quite popular !!  Only EDH I could find was El Dorado Hills !! Will look more tomorrow !!  Its a nice bracelet !!!

I do see some similarities such as the hands, the appearance of the face, etc.  Thank you very much for helping me out  :)!

After further inspection of this red hat doll I was wondering what material was used to make the face as it feels quite "thin" and underneath his cap there is additional brown material that was sewn (if you zoom in you can see the thread) into the face/head.  Just another "I dunno." 

Red Cap Doll Label Pic - turned out pretty clear on my phone, sent it to my computer and now it doesn't appear very clear but will post anyway... will try another if this doesn't work.  I looks like it says "Hungary" but the "H" sort of looks like a "B" - perhaps the ink bled?

Ohhhhh do I feel dumb!  I originally posted the label was blurry... its me that's blurry!   :-X  Been sorting through many years of stuff.  Label on another toy was blurred out.  Anyway the label says Hungary.  Currently typing this post on my phone - for some reason attachments are disabled.  Will forward later.

The label is at the waistband on his right with blurred blue ink, but - I'll give it a shot tomorrow...

Hmmm... porter service.  Came up with this quoted from Yahoo in answer to "What Is Red Cap Service" pertaining to the port authority in NY:  "Well, "Red Cap Service" is a kind of antiquated name for the porter service that used to be offered in the train stations back when trains were the primary means of travel, and, not surprisingly, it is so called because the porters all wore red caps as part of their uniforms.  Anyway, the term is still used to this day to refer to any such porter service, like in airports or bus stations..."  Thing is this guy's hat is brown.  Stillllll searching!

Thanks for the info and ideas!  This doll certainly is a mystery.

KC I have been looking at delivery services since the package looks like plain brown wrap and string tied !! From the face I think its a 40`s doll !! By premium doll I meant something that a company gave away to its customers !! Advertising doll would have a company name attached in some way !!  That blue uniform with the strap on rt side might be a clue but can`t think of anything yet,, odd that red cap was written on a brown cap !!

I would say it resembles some type of delivery as what he's carrying is either some sort of package or letter.  Perhaps I should concentrate on that idea (thanks!) rather than what it says on his hat.  It is a plush toy/doll so there isn't any other clothing.  I sure wish I could read what the label says - quite blurred out!

What does he outfits resemble?  Bellhop?  courier?  (Not a pilot)  Child with school book on book strap?

For example, victorian books with bookstrap

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