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Messages - Choose_username

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Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Statue with Signature
« on: October 15, 2012, 04:23:41 pm »
That really is the best pics I could take. It's not the glare as much as it's that the sig is worn, and yes I did try a pencil rubbing but it gave me nothing more than I could tell just by looking at it. The height and weight is about 2 ft and about 4.5-5 lbs. Oh yes, and I searched "Warner" before on the internet but it yielded no results either. I also tried Wagner, Wagener, Wouger, Wangen, Wongen, Wouyer, and just about every other that it could possible be. Also, I think the letter that I thought was a "g" is actually a "y". Looks like I might just need to get it appraised by a pro... Anyone else maybe know what style this statue is? Or maybe where/when it was made?

Antique Questions Forum / Old Statue with Signature
« on: October 09, 2012, 05:20:09 pm »
I was wondering if anyone could give me any information on this statue. I bought it at a church garage sale back in '92 and to this day I cannot figure out the name of the artist whose name is engraved into it. Wangener..... Wanyer? I have tried looking up many different spellings on the internet and came up with nothing. I have tried almost everything short of getting it looked at by a professional and probably will have to eventually... unless anyone either knows anything about it or may be able to refer me to someone else who does. This I would highly appreciate it.

I included some pics of it including the signature on the side, although the sig is very worn and almost illegible, but I tried to get the best angle I could. Also, I think the statue may be French and possibly from 1800's-19010 period although I am not sure. I am also not sure of the type of metal it is made of and I don't want to clean it. Does anyone have any information on this? below is the link. Thanks in advance!  :)

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