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Messages - whispy

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Thank you for the suggestion-I just sent an email and I will let you an email and I'll let you know what they say!

Unfortunately I am in the US- In Illinois.  Kind of wonder how this object ended up in an estate sale over here.  However, since I am in the Chicago area we actually have quite a few Arabic stores in the area, and our neighbor is Muslim.  We might take it over to her house and see if she can read the script.  I'm just not sure if I should take it to an antique shop in the area and see if they have any ideas?

I don't think it is missing anything, just a little chipped at the top.  And there is a small hole, I don't know if it is meant to be there or if it was poked in by someone.  You're right, the stand seems far too large to just be for holding incense... maybe there used to be a figure or something that fit into the hole at the top and fell off?

And I also think you're right about paper mache.  Does this material suggest anything about the year it could have been made? 

The painting seems to be suggesting some message of diplomacy or a political message.  It does seem to be painted with care and detail, not just for decoration.  One of the panels shows 2 different factions sitting on the floor, drinking wine and negotiating, with one person offering a red satin cloth to the other.  It would be wonderful to have someone who is able to read the script at the top, since that may offer some clues.

There is nothing on the bottom, it is just painted black.  No signature of the artist or anything indicated where it was made or when.

Today, I bought this "vase" for $5 at an estate sale.  It is wooden, and quite light.  The top of the object has no traditional vase opening- only a small hole (maybe to hold incense)?  There is imagery of an African-like landscape with grasslands, cheetahs and gazelles.  However, there are several large circular areas that seems to tell a story-  One has two men in turbans riding elephants, that seem to be fighting.  Another has several men sitting on a tile floor in a beautiful palace, drinking wine and negotiating.  The men appear to be asian in appearance.  There is also writing at the top of the vase that appears Persian or Arabic.

So therefore, I have no idea what culture the object comes from, how old it is, or the message it conveys.  I also don't know if it is unique, as a gift for someone, or a more common artwork telling a story that would be displayed in an everyday house.  Anyone have any ideas at all what this thing is??  It's quite beautiful, and very detailed.

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