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Messages - yadenj

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old photograph
« on: October 16, 2012, 04:30:58 pm »
I have purchased an antique quilt in the past that had a fabric with swastikas similar to the womans skirt. I was told it was an American Indian symbol which if I remember right is for good luck.

thanks guys! I appreciate all your input! This is a great site, wish I had found it sooner! :D

well I guess the possibilities are endless. I'll keep on researching or maybe just take it to a scrap yard. The hat story sounded feasible at first. But now looking at it, it probably wouldn't offer too much protection. Thanks for the input! Any other ideas are always welcome!!!

well then I wonder if its worth anything other than its weight in copper

I purchased this from an estate garage sale. the woman said her grandfather said it was a very old hardhat. It has some greening which indicate its copper. Painted with a very old red paint. Can anyone tell me what it really is or confirm that it is indeed a antique helmet/hardhat? Thanks in advance!

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