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Messages - Judy

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I know. Thank you for your time and for replying to me. All input is appreciated. I am trying to learn.

I have been trying to post pictures with no luck. I have seen that piece from Ruby Lane. I also saw another piece that sold for over $3,000......I don't know if I can find it again. But the link you sent me is not Victorian Porcelan.

I recently bought a bowl painted and signed by Ida Upton Paine. She was born in 1860 in Salem, Massasschusetts. Her father owned The House of the Seven Gables. She painted items to be sold in the home's gift shop. The money was used for the upkeep of the legendary house. She married another painter, Frank M. Paine and together they opened Upton Paine Studios and sold  their painted items from there.
This bowl is about 10" across and is in perfect condition. Her signature is on the piece. The bowl was made in Victoria, Austria. At that time period they were making "Victorian Porcelan". The bowl is painted with lemons..probably to be used for lemons. Does anyone out there have any idea how much it could be worth?

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