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Messages - curiouse

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Hi Bigwull
How awfull 4 inches of rain :(
When i see those rushing rivers on the news I feel so greatfull that i live on a hill!
Water scares me lots to powerfull for my liking.

Drought....all twaddle if you ask me, all everyone in power is interested in is dosh.
Im sure thats what thats all about somewhere down the plug hole to the drain pipe to the lining of pockets.

Ive just took a pic of the Vase
adding it now :)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: yve saint laurent rive gauche Earrings
« on: October 14, 2012, 04:11:04 am »
Thankyou! for the replies  8)
I will get on it ASAP

Thnakyou all so much for posting, what a realy great welcome

I have looked high and low for this Vase and no sign.
I will contact the SylvaC circle as advised and let you know how i get on.
The colur which i thought was a biege or The SylvaC fawn is not right.
Its much more vibrant and a tint of mustard/goldie hue to it.
I will report back as soon as i know and i will get a photo up ASAP.

Suns out herein the UK  today which is getting rare...... so im just going to grab it a bit with my camera then back on PC later :)

Antique Questions Forum / yve saint laurent rive gauche Earrings
« on: October 12, 2012, 03:17:47 pm »
I have searched for months regarding these Earrings and i can not find an exact pair.
I also rang YSL and tried to get through to thier collectables and history department.
I was given an Email to there historic department to which im not sure i spelt correctly and due to the cost of the phone call i dare not ring again.

I have no idea how these came to being in m Loft but i have boxes from family members /My nan/ My 45 my Mum is 81 and my nan passed away 20 years ago at 80.

Any clues greatfully recieved.

Thanks again :)

I have been trying to find some links to this vase for a few weeks and alli keep getting is this tiny picture that was up for sale and its in a green
My tree is biege.
If anyone has any clues i would be greatful as irealy dont like joining random websites unless someone here can recommend using it then i may give it a go.:)

I had thought i had some photos of my own vase but im mistaken and will take some when i do my EBay photos tomorrow.
Thank again :)

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