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Messages - elltee

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EBay Forum / Re: Best strategy to sell
« on: October 15, 2012, 06:59:50 pm »
Ebay is a fickle just never know how things will pan out...if there are buyers out there that want this measure...then it will sell itself...its better than the one,s priced at the higher end....make sure you list worldwide...and again good luck...

Thanks.....I'm taking my time to list....I am presently enjoying the process of trying to authenticate the item and learning how to do so in the process....I'm having a rather good time meeting some interesting people....I sent some pics and emails out and am waiting to hear back....if these don't pan out I'm gonna contact our local pioneer village....I bet they have a smithy affiliated....the fun continues.... 8)

EBay Forum / Re: Best strategy to sell
« on: October 15, 2012, 10:32:13 am »
Thanks for the gut said set the minimum and hope for just seemed more honest and straightforward so I'm glad to get the same back.

EBay Forum / Best strategy to sell
« on: October 14, 2012, 08:48:32 pm »
I'm unsure whether to start with a low price and set a reserve or start with the minimum I want and let the bidding go from there.  My research seems to indicate that low starting bids get more interest but then again some bidders avoid those sales with reserve bids... :-\

What's been your experience?  I'm also interested to hear your general thoughts on this topic too.


Thank everyone....your advice and comments have been very helpful....much appreciated... ;D

    Oh you can use Rare Vintage Antique Style only if you add Wow and LOOK! to the title.     ;D

lol... ;D

It is a cool item!

Also, you can append the word "style" to something, i.e. Victorian style if you are not sure about the age.

oh...good idea!...thanks...

    For sure the acceptable standard has been accepted as 100 years here in the U.S.  But this is a Import / Export law only and one can use the word freely as we all see on Ebay.  Ebay tends to be 75 years overall, many item in the Antique catagory have all pre war era items to be included, usually early century items.  Other countries are different on the import laws some as low as 50 and China well they don't think something is old unless 300 years has passed.  Anyway I just had to add this, to again point out these adjectives are not only misused but also very relative to personnal opinion, another reason one should reserve the use of these kinds of words only when age has been established.   Oh and don't get me started on the word Vintage   ;D  

so I guess the heading "A rare vintage antique" is out?...lmao

In the U.S., most items need to be 100 years old or more before you can use the word antique.

Yes...but since it hasn't been authenticated and may be real or just a representation I'll follow ironlord's advice and drop the antique word and just give the info I have and then some....I have enjoyed learning about it and talking about it and being taken back in time via this magic slipper and hope someone else will want it too....otherwise I won't be at all unhappy about keeping looks very nice on the mantle and it's a great conversation piece...and the cost won't break my I've only had the best experiences as a result so far... :)

well, it stands to reason that you do something many bids,had it attracted...when you bought it....and when did you buy you have seen, there is not many of the type you have,...about.....there,s lots of the other kind....but yours is far my humble opinion...that may help you to list that link to the only similar one that we found...that way prospective buyers see it in an environment...where by it is pleasing to the eye...and this helps sell items...

I bought it a week ago....btw

Good to be back, guess I have been hiding too much    And just another pointer I personally think the word "Rare"  is the worst of all used Adjectives in the Online world, never buy from someone who uses Rare, unless you indeed deem it rare.  First Rare by any means does not usually add value, a Collector of any item will know if it is rare and a rookie will just be caught in a web if not.   Items like a Ale Slipper are usually rare anyway, I don't think International Silver ever cranked out 100's of these, and I could bet for the most part these was made in a Folk art tradition. just a guess personally never dealt with a Ale Slipper, Makes me realize what I have been missing the past few months.

What do you think about including the word in the body of the text and not the headline?....I'm kinda partial to the word myself...

I purchased it at an auction house...not was between me and someone I could tell from what they had been buying new "their stuff" so I was bolstered in my feeling that the item had real value and to bid on it to win....we were only five or ten dollars apart in the end.

I wondered if it was acceptable to give one of the web sites and which to give....I agree with your suggestion in this regard.

Glad you think mine is superior... ;D

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Ale Slipper/Shoe/Boot
« on: October 13, 2012, 10:45:26 pm »
thanks....I'll let you know how it turns out.

That it was rare.....good question... 8)

....the auction listing stated, "rare ale slipper"

this was very helpful and good advice....thank you... :)

Antique Questions Forum / When can you claim something to be an antique?
« on: October 13, 2012, 09:15:11 pm »
I have an item....ale slipper (see previous post).....and want to sell it on it wrong or misleading to call it an antique if I don't have any way of providing it is actually from the time period in which these items were used?  As bigwull responded in the previous post...and got me thinking...what if it is a reproduction?  How does one was sold to me as authentic....and I assumed it was and is too but is it honest and truthful for me to call it an antique just because I think it is? can one tell for sure and to what degree should one takes steps to ensure it is what it's been claimed to be?

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