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Messages - Johnny20cent

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Chinese White Jade carving
« on: October 22, 2012, 01:31:56 am »
Hello there,
              I have just purchased a Chinese White Jade piece and want to know if anyone can give me the value of the item or if they can tell me its origin. I have performed the tests to check if it real and it seem's to have past all. I find it hard to distinguish it's colour. The Jade is a dark white but up to the light it shines up. Also if you really look into the jade you can see bare green line. The jade is carved on both sides of a metamorphosis from Cyprinus to Carp. It has a carved decorative ribbon design boarder. Basically I would like all information you can give me on the piece, what colour or type the jade is and the bottom line value.
Thank you so much.

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