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Messages - rigolito

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Hardman Pekmann Baby Grand Piano
« on: October 25, 2012, 03:17:22 pm »
Hi folks!,

Here's a Hardman Pekmann NewYork Baby Grand Piano. I recently purchased this piano from an 80 year old woman. This belonged to her great grandmother. It had been in the family for quite a long time.

The piano itself is in good shape. Some fine tuning to be done, and a few small tiny cracks here and there, but nothing drastically damaged with the piano itself.

Aside from the above information, I really don't have much else to provide with. I'm looking for a price value on this piano. I'll try taking some more pics, and if you guys can guide me what to look for in this piano to help you with giving me a value price. I'd greatly appreciate your input! Thanks!

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