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Messages - jeff550

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old folk instruments?
« on: November 25, 2015, 02:04:34 pm »
Thanks for the info.  As for the other one, it has notes written on it, but no brands or anything.    I'm guessing it is about the same age as the Jazzitha, and I found something that looked almost identical to it that was a Jazzith on the internet, only it had different coloring/markings.  I just found them in my grandmas basement, I don't know anything else about their origin.  Thanks again!

Antique Questions Forum / Old folk instruments?
« on: November 24, 2015, 07:26:30 pm »
Good evening everyone!  I found these old fold instruments that are quite obviously very damaged.  Just wanted to know if anyone had any ideas of their origin, age, or really anything(should I attemp to get them repaired, what they were, etc)   Thanks so much!

Thanks again!

Antique Questions Forum / What is this thing
« on: November 15, 2012, 03:11:46 pm »
What purpose did this serve, as I cant tell.  Thanks for the help!

The paper in the picture is about 2X1.5

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Glass/Porcelain Fruit
« on: November 11, 2012, 05:07:28 pm »
So, the general conclusion seems to be that its from the 1950's-1970's.  I take it the value would be fairly low, about $15-20

Thanks for the help y'all!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Glass/Porcelain Fruit
« on: November 10, 2012, 09:31:10 pm »
anything that is made of porcelain,glass,china..etc...will  have a ring when lightly tapped...with a metal object....if the pieces of fruit are solid..they will have a dull ring....porcelain will have a higher pitched sound....
my best guess is that they ate porcelain China glass etc(defiantly appeared to be a light ring). They are defiantly hollow.  Thanks!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Glass/Porcelain Fruit
« on: November 10, 2012, 09:14:51 pm »
They could be around 50 years old, really anywhere from 50 to 100 years old would be my best guess(still not 100% sure)


Antique Questions Forum / Re: Glass/Porcelain Fruit
« on: November 10, 2012, 08:56:31 pm »
They were my great-great grandparents, so that dates them.  here is a picture of the lable

EDIT: Dont know if they are porcelain or glass, if you know how I can tell the difference, please let me know


Antique Questions Forum / Glass/Porcelain Fruit
« on: November 10, 2012, 07:55:00 pm »
I have some glass fruit that is about 100 years old made by Trimont Ware.  I cant find anything about them on google searches, any info about they would be great(value, or anything else helpful about them)  Thanks for the help!

Pages: [1]