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Messages - james25

Pages: [1]
Thank you all for your help.
Im a newbie here- what a interesting website
I hope to help out a few others in the future with their finds.

Update!! It doesnt fold!!!!!!

hmm maybe it does fold, ill put battery's in my torch and be right back with an update!

loving that idea i think that's a good one!! It doesn't fold no, everything seems to be very firmly stuck together with nuts and bolts. It could quite possibly be a handmade outdoor chair then!!!

agh interesting!! very good shout i like the idea of that thank you. The only thing is that although it looks small on pictures it does actually fit a suitably sized adult comfortably. Maybe that renders out school use? Anyone else have any ideas?

Does anyone have any idea of what this type of chair is?!!?
It was found among other things in a barn!
It looks quite old to me.. But i haven't the foggiest of idea of what type of chair it is.
Can anyone help me? Thanks!!

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