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Messages - AngelaV

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Medieval Tapestry
« on: January 09, 2013, 01:05:36 am »
Wow, thanks everyone, you guys are wonderful!  :D :D

Yes Mart, I did think it was an antique *blush*  because that's what the seller told me. The asking price was $1500, which going by what you all have told me is way too much, considering I can get the same type only newer for around $200.

Thanks caspert79 for deciphering that for me!

And thank you to every one who posted links and and pictures. We're moving house soon and this (although not the super expensive one now) will be the perfect addition to our bedroom  ;D

Antique Questions Forum / Medieval Tapestry
« on: January 08, 2013, 12:17:26 am »
Hi Everyone  :D

I recently stumbled across this tapestry whilst searching for something else, and fell in love with it.  :D

Unfortunately I have no clue when it comes to buying antiques and so was hoping maybe somebody could give me some advice.

Apparently it's from the middle ages and from what I've found out online, I'm meant to look out for a makers mark (see photo). As far as I can make out for this tapestry it's 'Haste (or Chaste?) De Monce AVX" . I tried typing that into google but nothing comes up.

I also read that apparently you're meant to look at the back of tapestries and that way you can gauge if the tapestry is hand made or machine made. I emailed the seller but they said the back is covered by a black fabric. So I don't know how much that helps.  ???

I think it looks French, but I could be wrong.

If anybody has any tips when it comes to buying antique tapestries, it would be much appreciated.  ;D


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