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Messages - zoli

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: 1892 book...can't find ANY info
« on: January 24, 2013, 08:13:06 pm »
Thank you for the information! The book is definitely not from the library. I does seem to be put together from the other volumes though, as some pictures are yellowed, then some are more white. The pictures also do not go in any order, and some that should (such a a sequence of pictures from Mount Pleasant Cemetery) are scattered throughout. There is seventeen pages of narrative (think I’ll read it).

Sorry, no furniture factory pictures. Some of the pictures include - convents, churches, hospitals, City hospital, German Hospital, the insane asylum, Orphan’s asylum, Essex County Jail, river scenes, general street scenes, High street, Market Street, Broad street, statues, scene from ‘Eagle rock’ (lookout?), library, police station, Exxex Club, Clifton and Charlton street, public schools etc.

There is also a sticker in the back – Baker Printer Co. ‘Stationers’ 251 Market Street, Newark N.J. Maybe they put the book together for the architect?

Does the link work? I emailed the Newark Museum, they're not sure if they have a copy, but would be interested, if I would donate it. Sounds like an option.


Antique Questions Forum / 1892 book...can't find ANY info
« on: January 23, 2013, 06:47:22 pm »
Good day all. I received this book and I'm trying to find out if it has any value (monetary or nostalgic) so I can make a decision on what to do with it. Not sure if it's one of a kind, or one of thousands.

It is an illustrated book of Newark, from 1892. The first twenty or so pages are a narrative of the city's history, businesses at the time, and so on. It then has a hundred or so pictures (plates?) of various parts of the city, streets, roadways and pertinent buildings. It is printed on very thick paper, and each page seems to be bound individually (?). It has no author or maker remarks, only the publisher. It's about 12" x 16". It does have a person’s name/signature on one page. Tried to Google it, but not sure of the spelling as it's a fancy autograph.

I've added a link to an album of pictures (photobucket) -

Any information would be appreciated. Thanks in advance,


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