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Messages - Jordan_152

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Crystal Chandelier - Versace?
« on: January 30, 2013, 01:18:55 pm »
both pictures have 2 chandeliers.  one is hanging in front of the other.

I kind of see what you're talking about...maybe...but the chandelier you can see best...the one in the one in question. The crystal chandelier.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Crystal Chandelier - Versace?
« on: January 30, 2013, 01:13:52 pm »
Either the top one is a different chandelier or the parts of 2 fixtures are all mixed up !!  Have you physically seen this chandelier ??  If not,, you should and make sure it is complete with every hole filled and it all matches !!  Also make a mental note of the quality,,,how well is it made ect !!  Then take your own pics !!  These are not the best for your purpose !!

I haven't seen it and I wouldn't know what to look for if I did.

I didn't take the pictures, but even if I took my own I wouldn't know what to look for.

I know nothing about this. Zero. That's why I'm here asking.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Crystal Chandelier - Versace?
« on: January 30, 2013, 12:41:36 pm »
Ok you seem to have 2 chandeliers in your photo. I would say the one with the cranberry glass is the one you are asking about I do not think it is as you said a Versace, but I would place it as Czech-  Bohemian- Moser, Needs a hands on if it is as I suspect it could very well carry a large selling price! But lets see what the others say  ;)  Is it yours?? where are you and where did you get it??

I'm in Tampa, Florida.

No, it isn't mine. My Mom's former neighbor, a fairly shady couple, sold their house. They actually tried to take the chandelier out of the house, but one of the sale conditions of the house was "included fixtures", so in order for the sale to go through they had to return it to the new homeowner. I met the new homeowner and he said that if I can find a value for the chandelier and sell it, he'll give me a commission. He was told by the former homeowner that it's a Versace chandelier and was purchased for $15K, which is why, one assumes, they agreed to sell the house with fixtures attached and then tried to take it before closing. But it's also possible they just liked their chandelier and wanted to take it. They weren't very nice people.

The pictures I shared are the pictures I was given. It should only be one chandelier. Not 2.

I just want to know what it is so I can ask for a fair price for it. According to the new homeowner, who remains in possession of the chandelier, it has no identifying marks or signatures.

I hesitate to take it to an appraiser because I fear the appraiser will charge me more than the chandelier is worth. $250 to identify a chandelier worth $250. lol.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Crystal Chandelier - Versace?
« on: January 30, 2013, 11:39:01 am »
Photos need to be posted to this site, and right side up please.


Antique Questions Forum / Crystal Chandelier - Versace?
« on: January 30, 2013, 10:29:34 am »
Allegedly this crystal chandelier is Versace.

It was also allegedly purchased for $15,000.

But I haven't found any identifying marks on it.

2 good pics to accompany. Does anyone know what this is, or what it's really worth?

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