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Messages - Lizardtheinsane

Pages: [1]
I think it is a part of a door chain..this part would be mounted on the door,with the chain in situe...then the other end would be mounted on the post

Thanks for the quick reply. I'm trying to get a visual on this and just can't.  :-\

A few friends and I found this on the grounds of our old demolished jr. high school. The lot has been vacant for 14 years
and nothing has been built on it. We found all kinds of little bits and pieces of the old place still around. Half burried in the
mud or lying in the grass. The School was built in 1940 / 1941 and remained until it's demolition in late 1998.

At first I thought this was a door chain but the hole where the chain head would go is flush with the lowest part. If you
tried to slip a chain head in there it wouldn't go. (If this were mounted on a wall as a chain lock would be...)

Does anyone have any ideas what this may be? We're stumped...

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