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Messages - kah610

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Where did you get them? This is the pattern that comes up on Google search.
H- 48 I think means hand painted and the artist. Still checking.

Thanks for your help....someone else in the thread found the pattern! It's called MT Vernon!

Thank you...everyone was very helpful! Of course it will make a perfect gift regardless of the price tag!

Thanks for all the replies! Any more information would be great!

I was wondering if anyone is familiar with the markings of Lenox and Tiffany & Co.  This teacup is inextremely great condition. My research tells me it is probably from 1911. I've found it very difficult to research teacups!

Besides the brand markings there is also H-48 and 1620 on the bottom.

I want to gift this to someone but would hate to find out it's fake after!

Any help would be great!
Why would it matter..if it were a fake..after you took the time to give it as a gift...the value is in the giving....Not the value of the gift.....

Oh course! Still interested in knowing as I'd like to be able to look for more and be able to know what I should be paying for a single teacup and saucer! Thanks for your response!

Antique Questions Forum / Tiffany & Co. Teacup by Lenox - real? value?
« on: February 28, 2013, 08:35:39 pm »
I was wondering if anyone is familiar with the markings of Lenox and Tiffany & Co.  This teacup is inextremely great condition. My research tells me it is probably from 1911. I've found it very difficult to research teacups!

Besides the brand markings there is also H-48 and 1620 on the bottom.

It's one single teacup and saucer...I'm probably giving it to my best friend as an engagement gift as she collects teacups but it would be nice to know what I have first!

Any help would be great!

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