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Messages - greeneyes

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / unknown picture
« on: March 20, 2007, 05:18:57 pm »
 >:(  I had this picture for awhile now and do not know anything about it. i had tried to find anything about it but failed. It bothers me to not know cause i like to know the history of everything i have. so i would appreciate anyones help on the year or who its by or what kind of building it could be.. It is painted on the glass and the frame is possibly made of clay and on the building is like some kind of stones.  i took a few picture so it would be a little easier to see what it is. Thanks for any help.. ???

Antique Questions Forum / Trikky toys
« on: March 13, 2007, 06:23:14 pm »
I have these toys there called Trikky Toys they are old wooden toys in the box. one is a purple car and one a blue ambulance and one a black dog. I been searching everywhere for some information on them and cannot find anything about them the year or how much they are worth  ??? thanks for any help.... ???

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