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Messages - wendygn

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / 18" Pearl string necklace
« on: March 09, 2013, 06:05:14 pm »
Hope anyone can help me out there. It's not really an antique, but I would like it valued all the same :) As far as I know it is an 18" string pearl necklace and the pearls are cultured. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks :)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Silver spoons circa 1901
« on: March 09, 2013, 05:48:19 pm »
Wendygn, can you please give the dimensions of the spoons?
Hi KC, the dimensions are - length = 4.5 inches or 11 cms, spoon head is just under 1 inch or 2.5 cms, bottom of spoon is 0.5 inches or 1.4 cms. Hope this helps :)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Silver spoons circa 1901
« on: March 09, 2013, 05:38:36 pm »
...and she forgot to mention that...she,s still on dial up...and does,nt have what the rest of us take for granted....its never ceased to amaze me...America can put a man on the moon...spend zillions on arms,..spend more zillions like us over here looking for things that did,nt exist....but can,t give its inhabitants...Super fast Broadband....makes you think?....this being the last time i will ever mention...Marts internet i,m probably beginning to sound like a broken record....... ;D
What do you mean "still on dialup"? I'm on broadband :) Thanks for all your help on here :)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Silver spoons circa 1901
« on: March 08, 2013, 04:28:09 pm »
Can`t get pics to come up on that site !!  Can you post them here ??
I don't know how to :/ sorry :(

Antique Questions Forum / Silver spoons circa 1901
« on: March 08, 2013, 03:50:07 pm »
Hi, I received these spoons as a gift. They are in their original case which is silk lined and has BW Fase and Co on the inside of the case. There is 6 silver spoons in total and they are dated 1901. I have tried searching on the internet but I've not come across anything. Can anyone tell me anything else about these spoons and what their value is, Thanks - writing inside box - box itself - spoons - hallmark

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