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Messages - dezertrzr

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LOL !!  I take it that this type map is not your thing Wullie ???
Not my cup of tea at all,...would,nt even be able to get heat out of it.... :D

I`ve actually gotten to know Wullie pretty well lately and he`s definitely not interested in my map. But he tells it like it is and what he thinks of it and if you get butt hurt over it he wont loose any sleep. He`s got an incredible collection and knows his stuff. If you haven't seen it already ask him. If he wants to show you he will, If not he`ll tell you believe me. The world needs more people like Wullie to stir things up a bit, That knows what they`re talking about and tell it with no BS. Wullie for president!  8)  Lol.
So with that said does anyone know anything about this map? I`ve got a lot of stuff and you can`t keep everything so I`m torn between framing it because it`s kinda neat or taking it to the range and use it for sighting in a $2000 Trijicon scope I installed on a clients rifle. If I kept everything I thought was neat I`d be buried in things but don`t really want to punch holes in something that should be preserved and enjoyed. Someone has to know something about it. A friend of mine has shown me paintings & antiques worth an ungodly amount an he can`t even id some of these things I have so I don`t blame ya! We`ll just go on to the next obscure item, See what Wullie says.  ;D     

yeah and stick your the back of the queue...

Come on see it as a challenge it`s fun!  ;D Just had a pretty decent earthquake in So-Cal about 11min ago. The map is ok though nothing happened to it thank god.

Ya that took forever to post the above. The car in the first pic is Barney Navarro`s Indy car and the guy in the middle with his hands on his hips is my dad. The second pic is the belly tank car at the flats...

We gotta focus on the map though.  ;D

And you,re here to save your whose expense....ours!!....may i suggest you fast forward to your next obscure item.... ;D

Hahaha! You haven't even begun to see obscure I`ve got some crazy stuff trust me you`ll see. I`m on a machinists forum and these guys are milling out aerospace parts and there where some things they couldn't identify! These are people that make parts with such tight tolerances it`s ridiculous and a single fitting or small brace can cost thousands. Look up Navarro engineering or Barney Navarro the guy was a legend as far as engine building and running a Ford Rambler twin Turbo in the Indy 500. My dad was Barneys chief mechanic on the Indy car and also worked with him on all the Bonneville salt flat cars, Boats and who knows what else. So there`s some far out experimental stuff I`ve got. Haven't found a flux capacitor yet though.....I`ll stick to my ugly paintings, Documents, Weird copper/Brass stuff, Statues etc. on here. Ah! Just remembered about a spoon I have. Looks prehistoric and handmade but the craftsmanship is unbelievable. We`ll wait on that one.  ;)

I`ll try and attach some old school Indy 500/Car pics they`re big so it takes days to load, Sometimes times out.  

Alright here we go, Like I said nothing great but researched and didn't come up with much. Ask me about Aviation, Gunsmithing, Race cars and anything that`s loud and fast and I`ll probably know but this stuff forget it.....I really dig maps and globes, The 1947 cloth/sillk escape map my I have from my father when he was in the Air Force is much neater but this one is kinda neat. It`s a waterway/port navigation map (from what I see) of Dunkerque. Measures  21.5"x16.5" and it`s mounted on Alphamat artcare board. Then someone wrote "1918" at the top in lead which to me is a bit weird but ok. So in your opinion is this a waterway nav. map? Is it anything special or just some novelty item? 

Antique Questions Forum / Re: G. Schroter oil on canvas help!
« on: March 10, 2013, 05:35:59 pm »
better with a new thread....some folk get confused...then we don,t know if we,re coming or going..and everything ends up arse to elbow... ;D

Ya good point, I`ve had enough of Schroter anyways...... Once again thanks for the help guys.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: G. Schroter oil on canvas help!
« on: March 10, 2013, 04:53:11 pm »
If they were able to put up with me,Charlie...then..there,s every likelihood..that they,ll put up with you....just keep the pics of your junk coming....

Haha! You said it I`m gonna hold ya to it! I`ve got two more pieces I actually like I`m going to post, should I start a new thread or just keep it rolling here?

Antique Questions Forum / Re: G. Schroter oil on canvas help!
« on: March 10, 2013, 04:35:49 pm »
I totally agree with everything you guys said, Especially when it comes to the asking and the getting price, Two totally different things for sure. You guys are experts and really appreciate the help, Only someone who really knows what they`re doing can looks at brush strokes, Signature etc. Not hard up there`s a drill bit worth over $1000 sitting by my laptop I just oiled to prevent corrosion I should take a pic and put that in the frame. Just wanted to make sure I didnt have something rare that I was just going to dump on ebay, Give away or put it back up in the garage rafters.
I hate to waste your time with junk but I had to find out somehow plus I enjoy learning about old things and history. Hopefully it`s not to bad but there`s going to be a few more things that I just can`t figure out what exactly how old and how rare. Just put up with me for a little while guys!  ;D Thanks again for your help! Charlie

Antique Questions Forum / Re: G. Schroter oil on canvas help!
« on: March 10, 2013, 12:22:01 pm »
"the plot thickens"... You got that right! There`s just a whole bunch of weird going on with these paintings. Plus the names, Prices etc. I`m telling ya I searched forever I didn't just hop on this forum and post the easy way. I`ve got a couple more paintings I gave up on searching but they`re not going to be this hard. I hope.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: G. Schroter oil on canvas help!
« on: March 10, 2013, 11:44:27 am »
is he this G Schroter?.....

Now that`s the wood panel piece I was talking about, They say it sold for $1500...Once again it`s a bit odd but anywho here`s the other one. I think it`s hideous, Both of them! Same size just laid out lengthwise.


Antique Questions Forum / Re: G. Schroter oil on canvas help!
« on: March 10, 2013, 11:20:15 am »
There seems to be varied opinions as to the value on works by the artist(s) of this name.

Check out lot #460 here:

Good grief! I the wood panel painting just like the one on worth point and it sold for around $4000. Then they say pass on lot #460 and THEN you got the guy asking $10 Grand! Alright I`m just going to ask $10,000 obo if anyone is interested. Lol  ;D That`s why I gave up the search had enough!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: G. Schroter oil on canvas help!
« on: March 10, 2013, 09:02:36 am »
Now we`re getting somewhere. Here`s something interesting  I copied off artfact....
"Georg Schröter (1535-1586)
Aliases: Georg Schröder; Georg Schroter; Georg Schrotter"
"Professions: Sculptor" So the guy has three different names and he`s sculptor according to them. See why this drove me crazy! And it`s not the only thing I have that`s been illusive to get info on. Like I said hours of searching items. I`ll take some pics of the other one in a few.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: G. Schroter oil on canvas help!
« on: March 09, 2013, 10:33:41 pm »
It looks like a Dutch scene. I don`t know I`m leaving it up to the experts I give up on this. And thanks for your help guys! I`ll take some pics of the other one tomorrow. Same deal different scene.  ???

Antique Questions Forum / Re: G. Schroter oil on canvas help!
« on: March 09, 2013, 10:02:45 pm »
Take a look at where I`m measuring, It comes out to 16x12 and the canvas is stapled to the sides of the outer frame. I came up with all kinds  of crazy things about the name, He changed it, He was German, Then he was born in Asia. I give up! You can most definitely feel bumps from the paint, I took a few more pics paintings arent my thing to begin with and I give up! I have another one to!

Antique Questions Forum / G. Schroter oil on canvas help!
« on: March 09, 2013, 06:05:26 pm »
Hi guys, Here`s a G.SCHROTER painting I have done a ton of research on and just haven't found a whole lot. It belonged to my grandmother so it`s ancient but when you start seeing staples on the back of the frame it makes me wonder. What do you think worth anything or junk? Just trying to figure out whats worth keeping! Thank you!

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