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Messages - capn

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Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help with these Delft Tiles
« on: February 26, 2016, 06:30:33 pm »
They were like this

in UK auction houses with internet bidding.

£90 for one tile is bizarre !

Some sell for a lot more than that if you check sold listings.

$50 usd for one isn't too bad.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help with these Delft Tiles
« on: February 26, 2016, 12:40:28 pm »
I've seen identical tiles in similar condition - crazing, cracks, loss - and they've struggled to sell for more than £25 per tile

$150 for the lot is nice though !

Where did you see them? Honestly, at that price, I would buy more.
Did they have the nautical theme?

Here are ebay links to two of them that sold this past week for over $100 USD each. Almost identical to a couple that I have.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help with these Delft Tiles
« on: February 25, 2016, 08:27:14 pm »
Hi all,

I noticed this post a bit too late, but I hope this information will still help you out.

It are indeed Dutch (handmade and hand painted) antique tiles, made at the end of the 17th century (c. 1680) and basically at the end of the Dutch Golden Age. It looks like some tiles might have been made in the same factory, as they show strong similarities in the way the sea creatures, the sea and corner patterns were painted. Some tiles are decorated with so called 'ox-head' corner patterns and the one with the 'dots' is known as a 'spider' corner pattern.

Yes, you can indeed buy Delft tiles on eBay for a rather low price, but do note that the overall condition, the quality of the painting, the depicted image and the age of the tile are of a big influence on the value. Many of the tiles on eBay have old restorations, are badly damaged or are simply too common to be worth a lot. The rare tiles that occasionally come by are not sold cheap.

The tiles you bought seem to be in a pretty good condition, although the top left tile might have been broken. The depicted sea creatures are very entertaining to watch and most definately worth collecting. In my opinion, you made a great purchase (a bargain to be honest  ;))!

The Philadelphia Museum of Art has a great collection of antique Dutch tiles. I believe there was an exhibition quite recently, but not sure if there is anything running at the moment. Some of the tiles they own can be found on their website:

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch. Good luck!


(the owner of the previously mentioned webshop)

Durk, thank you so so much for that information! Exactly what I was looking for.
I picked up the tiles earlier today. I love them. (as if I needed something else to collect!)
Worth every penny of $150 USD to me.

A few do have some obvious damage, but I actually think it adds to the story and look. (obviously hurts the value though)
Four of them are framed.

So you believe these are definitely late 17th century tiles?

I'm sure I will have more questions. Would you mind if I emailed or messaged you?

Here are some quick photos of each of the 12 tiles for anyone who is interested.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help with these Delft Tiles
« on: February 24, 2016, 05:22:28 pm »
I will post photos of all 12 when I get them.
Thanks for all the input!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help with these Delft Tiles
« on: February 23, 2016, 09:15:22 pm »
That is a fair price for the lot !!  There were 4 that came up in the thumbnail pics !!  I did not look at the page but I will see if I can find it again !!
Was that U.S. ebay ??  When did they sell for that amount ??

That was US ebay. They only show sold listings for the last 30 days I believe. So within the last month.

I talked to the woman again. There are actually 12 tiles, one is very badly broken (worthless) and the lot includes 3 custom made frames. So for $150 USD I think it's a great deal, and it will be a fun way for me to learn about something new. Plus, I love things with mermaids on them! And the age of these makes them really interesting.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help with these Delft Tiles
« on: February 23, 2016, 07:25:18 pm »
I am with Ipcress on these tiles !!  Yes they are old but that does not always convert to value !! Currently you can find these tiles on ebay for prices from $5. for a single to several hundred for multiples from the Netherlands, Switzerland and UK !! They all say,, "or best offer" which means they are overpriced to my way of thinking  !!  I saw a few watchers on some really ornate ones but no bidding on any that I saw !!
Are these the same tiles that were on Pinterest??

From the research I have done, subject matter is everything. Checking sold listings on ebay, tiles with mermaids/mythical creatures, almost identical to these, have sold for $200 usd and more a piece.

I have been talking with the seller. They agreed to sell the lot for $150 USD. That seems like a very good price to me.
Also, I didn't realize, but there are 11 tiles total. He only had photos of 8 up though.

Could you provide a link to the pinterest page you're talking about?

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help with these Delft Tiles
« on: February 23, 2016, 09:14:12 am »
Hi, these tiles are Dutch tiles of the period 1650-1700 ( see for the chronology of the corner motive here: ) and mythical animals of the sea are quite collectable. 400 seems too much to me, I do not know the prices in the USA, but in Europe I woul think they would cost about 100- 150 $, not more...

Thanks. Are you saying $100-150 each or for the whole collection?

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help with these Delft Tiles
« on: February 22, 2016, 06:51:13 pm »
I am assuming there is nothing written on them anywhere ??  Can you post a pic of the back of one or two of them ??  Would help to see the thickness if you could put one on an angle please !!

Sorry, these are the seller's photos. I do not have them in hand.
These are the only photos I have.

Antique Questions Forum / Help with these Delft Tiles
« on: February 22, 2016, 06:24:11 pm »
Hi guys.
Someone locally has this collection of Delft tiles. I love the look. I have never heard of these before and know nothing about them.
The seller claims they are from the 18th century, and also claims that Sotheby's appraised them at $400 each.

I would like to know two things:

What are the age of these?
What would be a realistic value for the whole lot?

Sorry for the small pictures. It's the best I can do right now.

It's real easy to crack very dry leather , esp when it's stretched over a flexible substrate .... (it happens with old sports mitts , boxing gloves , furniture & all sorts of stuff) a quick blow , or a quick flop on a chair can do the job in no time flat .
Dry rot can be a problem too , in some climates , living/hiding on the split side & out of sight . >:(

If your item is really that dry , oil , oil & oil some more ! ;)

Aside from it having a blem , I hope you love sitting in your chair , capn !

Thank you!
I do really like the chair, I think that's why I'm trying so hard to figure out if I'm the one who damaged it!
But it's really only cosmetic...I guess I just need some time to get over it

My personal opinion is that it is not a natural crack !!  It is an old scratch !!  From where you said it was located, possibly someones watchband had a burr that made it or a ring !!~ At least those are the two most common things I would think of !!  No telling really !! But I think its way too smooth and regular for nature to do it !!

I think I definitely agree it's not natural.
I'm just curious if it happened a long time ago or not.
I'm trying to avoid getting upset with myself if I did it moving through the door of my apartment or something.
That's why I'm hoping it was there before I bought it.

But like KC said, it's there either way! I think I just need some time to get over it.
I'm anal about strange things like this...especially if I'm the one who did them!

When you get a fresh scratch on leather the edges will have a feathered look like tiny hairs along the edge !!  As time goes by this will smooth down from normal wear and rubbing against that area as well as polishing or cleaning !!  A natural crack in dry leather can look the same but less severe !!  I have two saddles,,both black !! I am beginning to be an expert on leather scratches !!  :D

Haha :)

So you think, even though I put one layer of Pecard's dressing on it 2 days ago when I got it, that the crack is definitely old? (at least older than 2 days)

And is it odd that it just cracked there? Seems weird there is just one solitary, long (like 6") crack.

Sometimes poor (& dry) condition of leather furniture in specific areas is caused by years of unabated sunlight damage , just like areas that have had hands (oils) touching them regularly will have supple , if not darker leather .

Maybe this one is one that falls in the middle of your criterion for 'How did this get skru'd up?' responsibility/blame , since neither we not thee knows for sure !?!

I'm just wondering if that crack looks new or old. That's all. I don't care if it happened when the previous owner had it...actually, that is what I hope.

I plan on conditioning and keeping good care of the leather, but up until 2 days ago it belonged to someone else so there's nothing I can do about that.

It appears from the pictures, like the others stated, that it is a crack.  When you have real leather it has imperfections and over time they will show up.  ESPECIALLY if someone doesn't keep up the conditioning of the leather (I have been very guilty of this and have a favorite chair with a place just like this on an arm - very visible area).

When you are dealing with genuine leather, "weaknesses" like this will show up over time - which is inherent in it.  I always advise buyers when they are looking at genuine leather and "faux" leather that if they want the chair to look pretty much the same in 10 years to go with faux but that it doesn't wear as well and will become saggy and dull looking.  The genuine leather will keep it's look but can develop cracks/etc unless maintained (and sometimes even when maintained due to the weight stress from sitting on it which is a heck of alot different than the natural stress points from the cow wearing it!)  Kind of like us humans, we develop "character marks" such as wrinkles/spots etc over time.

If it bothers you enough, there are leather repair places out there that can come out and mix up an "epoxy time material" to "glue" the edges back together and you will barely notice it - but it will still be there.  If you are going to do that - DO NOT do anything else to the leather at this point so they can get a good grip on the leather without conditioning build up.  Or you can wait and do it later. 

Thank you! It doesn't really bother me, unless I did it myself 2 days ago when I was moving it. I know that sounds weird.
I like the natural wear and tear (patina) that especially leather gets...I just have a weird mental thing where it drives me nuts when I know that I was the one who damaged something. If someone else did it, I'm fine. (Again, weird I know!)

So do you think that the crack has been there for a while, or could it have been done 2 days ago?
I did put some leather dressing on the chair the day that I got it (and over the crack).

Also, it is right in the middle of the seat back where your back/head would it would probably be the area most prone to wear and tear.

I agree with Fancypants,, that is not a new scratch !! It has been there a while and looks to me like some polish was used to make it less visible !!  Thats why the edges are dark !! You might check at a home improvment store for a fill in product !!

Great, thank you!
I did apply some pecard's leather dressing to the whole chair when I got it home, maybe that's what you're seeing.
What other signs show it's an older scratch/cut?

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