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Messages - willyo

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Old "Hartshorn" wicker sofa
« on: March 31, 2013, 09:55:58 am »
I'm cleaning out my garage.

I have an old wicker sofa with a small nameplate on the back saying:

Gardner Mass

I could imagine the sofa might be as much as 60 - 90 years old (since I inherited it from my Grandmother some time ago and it sat on her front porch for many, many years).

The sofa itself (i.e the woven material) seems to be in maybe somewhat OK shape. The seat cushions & etc are gone; The seat springs are rusted.

I've no idea if the sofa has any value as an antique or collectible and/or is something that someone might want to restore.

My perspective: I'd hate to throw it into the dumpster if someone would want to give it a home.

(Note: I'd be perfectly happy to give it to someone)

So: my questions:

1. Any thoughts as to whether I should pursue this further ?
   That is, is the sofa something that someone might want ?

2. If so, what might be some ways (forums, lists etc) to find that  person.

Thanks in advance ....

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