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Messages - Meandthebean

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@ mart: thank you for the info. I happened upon this for $10, I just love things with history. I was hoping to find out a bit, and everyone here has been so helpful. I also like to learn new things, this site has provided a wealth of knowledge.

Thank you all for the help. I am still poking around, and I have found where Edwin Rutenber assigned some of his electrical patents to the A J Lindeman and Hoverson Company, and the manufactured this similar design. I am mostly unable to track down the patent number, or even find another one of these heaters manufactured by RECO, would you allbychance recommend any specific site for gathering information. I have been all over, but, still nothing. I haven't quite figured out how to check for the patent number, using only the date. I am now just very curious about why I cannot find THIS one anywhere. I just like to learn as much as I can. Thank You all for assisting! Jb

Antique Questions Forum / Has anyone ever come across one of these?
« on: April 15, 2013, 08:29:32 am »
I recently came across this item.  I have researched, and I have yet to find a picture or mention of this.  Shortly after moving to Marion, Indiana, the company Changed names from Rutenber Electric Co. to Rutenber Motor Co.  Most famous for it's toasters and contributions to the Automotive industry, the company also cranked out Ranges.  I have found patents with regards to the above items, but not a MENTION of a Rutenber 45 Radiator.  This item is Copper and Cast Iron.  The heating element is still intact, and it has a cloth cord, and a plug that has seen better days.  I have not plugged it in because my husband and State Farm would have very strong objections.  What I would really like to know is what I have here.  And if anyone has seen or knows any information about the value and the item.  I have not so much as ran a paper towel to dust it off, I do not want to do anything to diminish the look or value by 'cleaning'.  If you could shed any light on this situation, I would be extremely grateful.  Thank you so much.


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