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Messages - treasures1984

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Per your PM request for input on this thread , treasures1984 , I'll chime in with the other members who have the opinion that your item is not one that is antique (100yrs or more) .

If you do plan on selling it as what it appears to have been designed for/after - a charcoal burner - I'd suggest that you tell the buyer that it is not safe for indoor use .
These pesky fellas , or ones like them , are the cause of many problems to the owners , up to & including death via carbon-monox , in countries around the world !

I'm unsure if your item is constructed of primarily brass , or of bronze .

I've got little-to-no clue as to pricing on this item , since it's modern (IMO) ,  t1984 .... as a little suggested 'tip' for the future ... beware the authentic/ancient appearing 'Chinese' items that have dragons with 5 toes .... back in the old , old days in China , one would loose ones' head if caught with a 5-toed depiction of a dragon (5-toe dragons were for the big-shot emperor ONLY , mostly) .

The best I can guess is that it is of Asian-Pacific manufacture , for the 'designer/export' market .

Awesome, thank you

Here are some interesting pictures, please ignore the crayon marking on the rim since that's just the Estate number.

Totally different then the one on eBay, does mine look used? I'm curious if I should throw it on eBay.

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looking at the ebay one again..i would say that that one has the blackened body..simply because it may have been used..

Agreed, I wonder why mine has a thick ring on the part that opens and it's even different while open.
I can post more pictures

Looking at yours, anmd the one on be truthful, the one on my opinion, looks better, its patina is better, for yours, its nice, but its not 400 years old..if thats what you think,value wise, if you can find a buyer, is in the region of $450/700

Thank you very much, i just wanted to know why mine had different details from the one on eBay

So i bought this guy at an estate sale (almost 30lbs) and had no clue what it was until i did some research but now i need to know if this a real piece because the one on eBay is different and looks cheap compared to mine, even the stamp is different.
here is the item number, they want $800 330895483516

here is my piece, can anyone please help me on when this was made or what kind of value it's holding?

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