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Messages - cutnshoot84

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / World Globe / liquor cabinet
« on: May 04, 2013, 11:18:48 pm »
I was given this globe by an uncle of mine and don't have a clue as to what value it might be. Also he said that he got it from a friend that said that it was hand painted and has a brass  support that allows it to spin . He acted like it was something important because of the two things I just mentioned. It looks pretty ugly to me and cant believe that it could be anything of much importance.
Anyone seen one like this or know anything about one like this one? I didn't see or find any kind of marking/stamps or other identification markings.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Antique 14kt gold watch chain?
« on: May 02, 2013, 09:05:36 pm »
Hold it and let the chain quit swinging , then get a good strong magnet and see if it is magnetic or not. If it is gold it wont be magnetic.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: A pretty old looking pocket knive,
« on: May 02, 2013, 09:52:01 am »
Thanks to all yall for giving info ;D on the item I listed. I really appreciate your time.

Antique Questions Forum / Pierre Louis Lachette painting on slate
« on: May 01, 2013, 06:22:55 am »
This is a painting by Laiche that is of a little shack in the swamp that he painted on a 100 year old piece of rock slate from a roof that came from Europe . I have seen some of his other work but never of this picture in the swamp.

It has 1978 Pierre Louis Laiche signed on the bottom right .
There are also 2 holes that I assume were used to used to hang it from the wall. I don't know if they were made after the painting was bought by someone other than the artist or if it was like this originally . It also looks like at the top center of the painting and on the top left side, some of the slate might have chipped off , again not sure if it came that way or if they are wear and tear damage. Also on the back there is a piece of what looks to be some kind of cardboard that is glued to the back as cushion when it is hung from a wall. Again I am not sure if this is original or done by a previous owner.

( 1 )   Has anyone else seen one of his paintings like this ( other than all the clown paintings ) ?

( 2 )  Does anyone know if the 2 holes thru the painting to hang it are original or done by a previous owner?

( 3 )  Is the corner on the left missing/broke off by previous owner or have any like this been seen because most I see are full rectangle.

( 4 )There is another piece of the slate that looks to be chipped of on the top center because the color is slightly different.

( 5 )Do other  works by him have a backing on the back side of the slate rock or did someone add this after it was originally sold?

I was wanting to know how rare one of his paintings on slate rock with my landscape / swamp house theme is compared to other theme paintings he has done on the same 100 year old slate rock. I also would like to know what this might sell for as it is. What would it sell for if the painting was all original .

Antique Questions Forum / Re: A pretty old looking pocket knive,
« on: April 29, 2013, 11:20:19 pm »
My guess on this one is much like marts' ....

Looks like a Usa , Japan knife , prob 1960's , with simulated plastic 'horn' .

Seems as if someone took a wirewheel to it too ...

 The "USA" brand was put on many (cheaply produced) items post WW2 (for items intended to be exported) & many Americans were fooled by the mark .
This was during the epoch when times were pretty tough in Japan & resentment and bias still existed en mass , in the U.S.A. (things made in Japan were regarded as inferior & cheap) .

Today , new things with such marks would have to be (legally) sold as "fantasy items" ... pretty sure there are collectors of USA stuff though !

Not worth much to a knife collector , since it's condition seems to be poor , IMO , cutnshoot84 .
Completely ruins the item, Knife or what ever item trying to be cleaned up. Everyone thinks that it is the best thing to do so that any stamp, date or mark can be seen .  I learned a long time ago to leave any knife alone and in the original condition. The original shape makes it worth the most in value and collectability,


Antique Questions Forum / A pretty old looking pocket knive,
« on: April 28, 2013, 06:36:03 pm »
I found this  and the only words it has on it are USA on the main blade. It is in kinda rough shape and the blade has definitely  seen  a few stories that it could tell about where it came from and who bought it and where it has traveled.
It is 3 1/2" closed.
It is 6" open.
The blade at the top where the blade starts to angle to a point is 6/16"tall.
Wondering if anyone might know that manufacturer and approx. value.

[/img][/img]This has pretty intricate engraving work done to it. It also has a hole where either a hollow/solid stick or rod would go into it so it could be held . It has a roll pin I took out so the halves would show better and a stop made into the top lid so it doesn't go too far back.

Across , edge to edge it is                   4"
bottom half height is                           1 1/4 "
entire height                                       1 7/8"
hole ID                                                 7/16"
hole OD                                                5/8 "
hole does not go to through outer wall
wall thickness approx.                            .050-.060
metal stop on rear top lid                       5/8 "
weight approx. full 12 oz can

This is another find that I came across and have no clue as to what it is or what it might have been used for. I assume it was made in india  because that is what is on the bottom and under that it says 1270 NF that was made by a center punch . It has a roll pin that connects the 2 pieces together and just took it out to display it a little better. There is a round hole that looks to be where a rod or stick/hollow stick was inserted for lifting/moving it or perhaps smoking thru a hollow stick/rod. Inside is pretty clean. Outside has quite a but of engraved decoration. The lid has a stop on it so that it doesn't fall to far back when you open the lid.

The measurements are:
4" across top lid , edge to edge
1 1/4" tall from bottom to where lid meets bottom half
2" tall for entire thing
5/8 " or hair less is how long the stop is on rear of top lid
1/4" ID hole on bottom rear piece.
3/4" long piece that the tube/rod goes into on rear of bottom half
approx. .050-.060 " thick wall of both halves
The top piece has a small lip which helps lid align properly when lid is shut
Just guessing it weighs about the same as a full 12 oz beer/coke can

The item weight approx. 1 pd or less.
The main body is approx. .040-.050 thick
The brass top sheeting is approx. .010-.020 thick

I don't know if you can really see it but the front and back ( looking at the widest view left to right ) has to pieces of the same kind of metal that the main body is made of that are joined to the main body. The front and back pieces have numerous tabs that overlap the main body and then were brazed to make an air tight seal. You can see how nice and pretty evenly the sections were joined to the main body. Someone take a lot of time and put a lot of effort into cutting , joining and sealing this thing together. I don't really know what the main  body is made of but the outer shell doesn't seem to rust , yet the inner shell has minor surface rust. You can see what I call the "patina" of the outside and how it is smooth and vet very smooth on the inside and outside. As I mentioned , the metal , which is magnetic, is very hard and solid. You would have to beat on it pretty hard to dent it , considering the thickness of the shell.
There was a lot of time put into just the top brass part. Very small rivets of brass were made and flattened to connect the brass , which turned  out very nice and very smooth.

so it must have a thin covering of brass over steel or cast,iron
I  only tried an average weak ice box magnet and  it didn't stick where the brass was at. I will try a little stronger magnet later.

Sort of looks like a foot from a brass bed , to me .

I'm wondering if the 'unknown alloy' allows a magnet to stick to it ?
Yes the main metal is magnetic but the brass is not as you would know or expect.

How big is it ??

If you are looking at picture #3 , the widest part is 4 3/4"
The side view ( narrow view ) is 3 1/2"
The width of the neck is 1 3/8" from the side, front, or back
The height is 6"
The ID of the hole in the top is 1 1/2"
The OD of the hole on the top is 2 7/16"

I came across this at a garage sale. The people I got it from said it came from Colorado but didn't know much more. It is made of 2 types of metal. The majority is made of a really hard alloy but not sure what it is and the other is what looks like some sort of brass sheeting. The main part is very hard metal and the 2 pieces are brazed together. Small snips were made that overlaid the metal it was joined to and then brazed so that it doesn't leak. The bottom has some dents that were intentionally made so that the can wont tip over after setting it down. There doesn't seem to be much rust , or oxidation from the elements. It is a really cool looking piece but I can't find out anything about it, where it was made or for what reason it was made. I am also wondering if it might be worth anything as well as if it is a one of a kind , single made can or if there might be others similar to mine.

If you are looking at picture #3 , the widest part is 4 3/4"
The side view ( narrow view ) is 3 1/2"
The width of the neck is 1 3/8" from the side, front, or back
The height is 6"
The ID of the hole in the top is 1 1/2"
The OD of the hole on the top is 2 7/16"

The 1st pic is of a cd/dvd next to it to judge the size of it.

Thanks to anyone who might be able to shed some light on it.

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