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Messages - Stanfam15

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help with 'loft find'
« on: April 29, 2013, 12:55:32 pm »
 :D this is true :D

well ive done a couple of pictures and put them through photoshop to try and make the stamp a bit more prominent...

still canmt work it out, think i may have photographed them upside down so you will have to do a headstand to take a proper good look, but it looks like it may be initials or a number, the first initial or number being a g or a 9...

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help with 'loft find'
« on: April 29, 2013, 12:30:11 pm »
I tried the pencil idea but not producing what I hoped. I've taken some more pictures I'm about to put them on PC and see if I can edit them so it stands out more. That second eBay one you put in there s the same one, pics are identical. In guessing they've re-listed it.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help with 'loft find'
« on: April 29, 2013, 09:59:58 am »
thanks for the replies,

I also thought the rabbit was a Beswick, but with no markings its imposible...

Antique Questions Forum / Help with 'loft find'
« on: April 29, 2013, 09:35:19 am »
Hi there, I stumbled across this website while trying to identify a couple of items I found in the loft, I assume from the previous owners who are unfortunately un-contactable.
I was hoping to find out if anyone knows about these items and if they hold any value.
The first one is a Coalport paddington bear, it stands 4.5" high. see pics, looking for a value and more info if possible.

and the second is this rabbit, im not sure if it is a 'peter rabbit' or not, it has no printed markings however does appear to have some markings on the bottom which i cant make out, perhaps someone knows or is familier with the style?

I did find a couple of other pieces but lets see how we get on with these first.

Many thanks in advance


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