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Messages - xatiayn

Pages: [1]
There is nothing on the bottom. I wish. That would make it so much easier.

 They remind me of some statues my Mom had in the 70s. Or do you think more modern than that?

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Mystery glass duck!
« on: May 18, 2013, 09:09:12 pm »
You can post it on this Murano glass forum and someone might even be able to tell you which Murano artist it is

These were picked up in an auction from a moving company. The kind where you bid on sealed boxes. Paid $100 each box. There was a 3rd one but it was completely shattered.  What I do know...These are two plaster-type statues each approx. 44" high. The male one is a tribesman with a spear and a shield. Black paint with gold. The other one is a bare-breasted tribeswoman with an infant. Black paint with gold.

The other stuff in this person's crate at the auction seemed to be anywhere from 1950s to 1980s. Can anyone tell me anything about them? Time period? Worth? Or point me in the right direction?  African/Tribal plaster statue does not seem to get me anywhere in google.

I can take more pictures if needed. This was some quick shots as they were put away this afternoon.
Thanks for any input!

Thanks for the help! I really had no idea what it was for.
 I don't think strawberry sausage sounds appealing at all. But I will try (most things) once.
Much appreciated!

I know that it is some kind of restaurant press but not sure what kind.

Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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