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Messages - hiwind

Pages: [1]

I've been trying to find a matching blackamoor statue to the one below.  We had the pair but unfortunately one was knocked off the pedestal and shattered, I believe they are a reproduction not sure on where/when they are from.  I was hoping to try and find it by mother's day as it would make an amazing present because my mother love them!  Would greatly appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction!

Thank you so much


I've been trying to find a matching blackamoor statue to the one below.  We had the pair but unfortunately one was knocked off the pedestal and shattered, I believe they are a reproduction not sure on where/when they are from.  I was hoping to try and find it by mother's day as it would make an amazing present because my mother love them!  Would greatly appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction!

Thank you so much

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