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Messages - intrathemist

Pages: [1]
Wow, thanks - the ..."Iklwa" seems to be a good fit. I hadn't heard of such a thing before - time for research!

The entire item is 24", the blade portion measures 12.5"

I agree it's perfectly possible these are just tourist items of some sort; though normally tourist items wont be properly balanced, and to my knowledge they feel reasonably balanced.

As for being assegai - it may not appear that way in the pictures, but they have a very obvious grip area where they should be held, and no obvious connection to attach to a shaft.

Hi there,

I collect weapons as a bit of a hobby, and through a set of rather fortunate events, have found myself in possession of the three wooden daggers seen in the pictures attached.

While I freely admit these could just be wooden toys, they feel and look reasonably authentic - which is to say, they feel like that to me, someone who knows his weapons, but definitely not his antiques. I've not seen this particular type of dagger before, though I've encountered a similar wooden style from Africa before. Anyone have any ideas about these?

Many thanks.

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