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Messages - vtbuck223

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Compact with Russian Eagle?
« on: August 19, 2014, 05:27:41 am »
The pictures are showing up for me.....can you still not see them?

I have looked closely and not found any makers marks.

It was used to hold "loose powder"?  Is it rightly called a compact or does it go by another name?

Any idea as to age?

Antique Questions Forum / Compact with Russian Eagle?
« on: August 18, 2014, 05:01:39 pm »
I was hoping that someone could  give me an idea of how old this compact is.  I know absolutely nothing about this....any info that you can give me would be appreciated.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help...English Pewter
« on: May 31, 2013, 10:06:24 am »
Ipcress et al....thanks for the help. I just wanted to share with you the most recent response from the pewter this thread could have some closure. This is a copy of the e-mail sent to me from Roger Barnes;

Dear Jeremy,
My previous fears have been allayed and the crown and staffs touch mark has now been identified as being that of the pewterers Burgum and Catcott of 2, BristolBridge, Bristol who were active from 1765-1779. The partners were Henry Burgum I and George Syme Catcott .   They used a number of different touch marks and labels.    They are well known to pewter collectors and were fairly prolific makers of pewter wares and traded to Africa and North America  and also producing brass and copper wares.   We are most grateful to you for granting your kind permission for the Society to record the marks , particularly the "hallmarks" which we think have not previously been found and for the two touch marks which are much clearer than the single one we currently have recorded. for them.  Experts on Bristol pewterers have now been involved in the research and we will advise you if anything further comes to light.
Best wishes    -    Roger.

Who knows....possibly the engraving and date on the front marked an anniversary or some such. Thank you all again.


Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help...English Pewter
« on: May 26, 2013, 04:59:48 pm » apologies...I read over the site you suggested and indeed it is as you say....many thanks.

Mart....thanks...wo uld like to have the information to that site as well.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help...English Pewter
« on: May 26, 2013, 03:05:23 pm »
Ipcress....   :( .... I'm sure "membership has its privilieges" but at around $50.... I'm not inlcined to find out about 1 piece of pewter.... any other pewter forums?  I did order a couple books off Amazon on English pewter makers/ marks etc....only a few bucks each....maybe I can find some answers in there.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help...English Pewter
« on: May 26, 2013, 10:56:33 am » addition to hoping to identify a maker....I am also curious as to what this was likely used for...I read that some of these were wedding plates? Would that be the likely case here....and thus the engraved date to commemorate the event? It also said that the three letters in some cases were the combined initials of the couple? is this likely what I have here?

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help...English Pewter
« on: May 26, 2013, 06:31:17 am »
More pics

Antique Questions Forum / Help...English Pewter
« on: May 26, 2013, 06:25:19 am »
This is my first post....glad to have found what looks to be like a great forum. I'm hoping that someone can help me with the pewter charger that I picked up at an onsite auction at an old Inn that was going out of business here in New England. There were several other pewter items there...over the mantle...this is the one I ended up with. It was an impulse buy....I really don't know anything about pewter. As I have tried to research the makers marks on the back...I found it surprising diffiult.....the Brits...don't have any free forums or info on the net that I could find. Saw a lot of other similar marks doing general searches...but not exactly like this.  Can anyone help me identify the maker and date the object...I know it has a 1752 on the front...but is that legit? Much Thanks for your help.

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