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Messages - oldsoul921

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help Identifying Book
« on: May 29, 2013, 07:25:40 am »
Could be an edition of this - note the four medallions within the gilt

Oh wow thank you that seems to be it, only it appears older. That could just be damage which wouldn't be a plus though.
the clasps are spot on and I'm no historian but I don't know what this symbol is doing on a Christian bible.

Wouldnt that be "The All Seeing Eye of Horas"? Seen on the dollar bill and on many free mason items? I only wonder because I don't understand the connection and my grandfather belongs to a free mason lodge.

Antique Questions Forum / Help Identifying Book
« on: May 28, 2013, 09:50:54 pm »
Hello all  :)
I've come across this book and I can't seem to find information on it. I can only go by this image because the book is not in my possession yet.

- appears to be some type of bible
- could be a Dagmar cross

any ideas?!  ???

Pages: [1]