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Messages - theoldtaboo

Pages: [1]
Wow, this is all really interesting since the owner of these lamps was asking $3,000 for just one! You've all been extremely helpful, and I'm passing this info onto my friend ASAP.

Awesome, thanks for the heads up...needless to say trying to track down the origin of these lamps is a little overwhelming, with so much information available online, but hopefully I can eventually figure out the source.

Unfortunately I can't find any imprint or marking on the stem of the lamp, but thank you for sending me a link to the Loetz lamps. They do look really similar, so this looks like an excellent place to start!

Apparently the second picture didn't upload. Sorry about that! Here's the other lamp.

Hi Everyone,

I've tried to narrow down the designer(s) of these, but I'm not having any luck. I know very little about antique lamps, so I'm hoping one of you may be able to identify these.

Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

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