« on: June 10, 2013, 06:36:35 pm »
i've been reading up on the monks that made these, and I used a pencil and took it out in the sun to look at it. There are markings on the back, I can't get a good pic of them with my phone tho, and I think my daughter borrowed my camera. After really looking at it tho I am wondering if the bronze/copper setting it's in was made and added it later it will slip off with no damage to either the tooth or the setting. I plan on doing more research on it, and if it does turn out to be the real thing I hope I can find a Thai buddhist because I'm sure that they would have more appreciation for it than I do. I just thought it was a cool piece and I make kind of funky jewelry sometimes so my father-in-law thought I might want it. It has been setting in a drawer at my house for a few years now. Thank you very much Fancypants!!