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Messages - RPiper

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Could anyone please help me?
« on: June 26, 2013, 06:18:48 am »
Ok, Thank you very very much for all your time in helping me with all this great information everyone. It's unfortunate it's not worth more, but not to worry :)

It's been a pleasure talking to everyone on this friendly forum

Many thanks, best wishes, Richard

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Could anyone please help me?
« on: June 25, 2013, 09:20:24 am »
Here's a re-upload of the first image as it doesn't appear to be working on mine

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Could anyone please help me?
« on: June 25, 2013, 09:15:31 am »
Hi guys, I'm back with some more info. (Sorry for the slow turnaround, visits to my grandmother are few and far between)

I have removed the bottom and the musical piece that it contained. The musical movement is made in Switzerland and the decanter also has 'Swiss' handwritten inside (see photos). There is text on the musical piece, you might not be able to see very well what it says from the photos but it says.... SWITZERLAND LADOR SteCROIX.

I also had a better inspection of the decanter itself. The head is not flush fitted, unlike what I declared at first. It is quite off centre and is at least 10mm from where it could be.

I am not sure if this is some sort of 'frankenstein' decanter which has been modified and painted by a third party or if this is a genuine original. I would be delighted if anyone can shed some more light on what this is.

Many thanks guys

This last photo shows how off centre the cork actually is in the head

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Could anyone please help me?
« on: June 18, 2013, 09:54:58 am »
Hey guys, Thank you very much for all this helpful information.

As far as I know it can still hold liquid, although the cork is starting to crumble away. I believe the cork fits perfectly (with a little effort). I will make a trip to my grandmothers over the next few days to try to open the base to find a name and take more pictures. Thank you bigwull for re-posting the pictures for me. I couldn't find how to upload direct to site.

Many thanks everyone, i'll be back on here with more info soon. 

Antique Questions Forum / Could anyone please help me?
« on: June 16, 2013, 01:45:00 pm »
Hi there, my name is Richard, I live in the UK and I am new to this forum, I am after some advice from any lovely people willing to help me. My grandmother recently rediscovered an item that was given to her by her father. She is currently under some financial troubles and is debating selling it. I have spent about 8 hours searching all over the internet for any indication of its value but cannot find anything, I wonder if anyone here may know a rough estimate of its value?

I don't know much about it, she thinks it dates back to the 1920's but isn't sure. It's some sort of jug, it has a stunning browny metallic paint and the head has a cork that plugs the neck of the jug, it appears to be hand painted. The jug is musical and at the bottom there is a winder. It still works fine and plays a song by 'John Peel' I believe. I have included 5 photos I took recently. I don't know anymore about it unfortunately.

Many thanks for your time


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