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Messages - jkrjlr

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Canning Jars and bottles
« on: July 01, 2013, 05:23:48 pm »
Thanks for all this info, especially the page on dating! jkrjlr I've got one like your blue 1923-1933 you posted above. I just pulled it from the basement of a Victorian and it is definitely not a repro. I'll post some detail photos and we can compare yours to that one.

I would love to see photo's of it ;)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Canning Jars and bottles
« on: June 30, 2013, 08:00:48 pm »
According to what I have read all the jars are post 1915 because they have the seams from being machined :( The queen are pint sized but square clear in color. Trademark lightning registered U.S. Patent office is what is embossed on the front of the jars one quart size which is an aqua color and a pint size which is clear. 4 perfect seal 3 quart size clear and one square quart which is the aqua color so are those going for 25$ a piece?!?!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Canning Jars and bottles
« on: June 29, 2013, 08:33:12 pm »
Your pics are all over the size limit for this site !!  That's why you are having problems !! Try resizing them to about 1500KB and see if it is easier posting them !! One of your pics I can`t see at all !! I think it was the Queen !! 
Except for the blue Ball Ideal,, I don`t see anything I would question as a repro just by the pics !! Let me check on the others !!

I thought I had resized :( I am so sorry... What is it about the Blue Ball Ideal that you question?!?!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Canning Jars and bottles
« on: June 29, 2013, 07:52:09 pm »
Don't forget that many of these have been reproduced !! And they have all the bubbles as well as imperfect glass !!

How do you tell if they are reproductions?!?!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Canning Jars and bottles
« on: June 29, 2013, 07:50:42 pm »
Last set is the perfect Seal any info?!?! I am terribly sorry for all of the posts but it wouldn't allow me to do it any other way :/

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Canning Jars and bottles
« on: June 29, 2013, 07:48:46 pm »
Queen circa?!?! plus any other info ;)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Canning Jars and bottles
« on: June 29, 2013, 07:43:57 pm »
Lightening circa?!?! plus any additional info I cannot find anything :(

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Canning Jars and bottles
« on: June 29, 2013, 07:42:27 pm »
Bluish colored Ball circa 1923-1933

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Canning Jars and bottles
« on: June 29, 2013, 07:41:00 pm »
Atlas canning jars circa?!?!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Canning Jars and bottles
« on: June 29, 2013, 07:39:52 pm »
Circa 1933-1960?!?!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Canning Jars and bottles
« on: June 29, 2013, 07:39:06 pm »
circa 1923-1933?!?!

Antique Questions Forum / Old Canning Jars and bottles
« on: June 29, 2013, 02:50:36 pm »
I came across another really neat find today... I found some Ball ideal, perfect seal, lightening, atlas, and queen canning jars as well as some really cool gallon jugs. My question is how on earth do I find out date of manufacture, the ball jars are all numbered as well as some of the others. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I will upload pictures momentarily.

Thank you everyone you have been extremely helpful! I will have more really neat old items to inquire about as we proceed in cleaning out an old old family estate ;)

Thank you all for your responses. The seat cushion is attached by 4 tabs/screws. I have also attached photo's of the manufacturer stamp and tag/model#. Thank you for your help!

I came across these fabulous chairs today (4 of them) They are all in fabulous shape, I have done a bit of research but have not found any definitive answers. I do believe them to be Ice Cream Parlor chairs circa unknown. They are solid metal ? wrought iron with intact leather cushions.  They have a tag and a stamped manufacturer logo on the bottoms of the seat. The tag says Sears with a product #. The manufacturer is Simpson-Bosworth Chicago IL. I am seeking any information pertaining to these chairs such as which era they derive from and possibly what value if any that they hold. Thank you for looking and I am anxious to read replies  ;)

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