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Messages - otonoh

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Carved Jade Vases?
« on: July 10, 2013, 11:46:47 am »
I agree,  from the pictures they look like they could be bone, but not ivory. 

Antique Questions Forum / Re: art Deco what????
« on: July 10, 2013, 11:45:18 am »
thank you again for the comments and links.  I like the $200 price better than the $20.00   I will keep researching.


Antique Questions Forum / Re: art Deco what????
« on: July 09, 2013, 08:16:41 pm »
thank you any idea on value, I don't want to sell it, just curious


Antique Questions Forum / Re: art Deco what????
« on: July 09, 2013, 05:11:52 pm »
thanks for the comments, It never occured to me that it would be for an iron.  the dimensions are 9 inches tall, 8 inches at the widest point.  It seems strange that it would be for an iron because the design would be face down when putting down the iron. plus it doesn't have any ventilation like other antique iron stands or trivets have.   The back does have sides that would hold an iron though.  Wierd. 

David/ aka otonoh

Antique Questions Forum / art Deco what????
« on: July 09, 2013, 02:21:55 pm »
Hello all,  I purchased this 30 years ago at an auction in a small town. I bought it because I loved it but have no idea what it is, I use it as a display.  It is non magnetic, but doesn't appear to be spelter/pot metal.  It is signed but I can't find any info on the artist. Any ideas would be appreciated

Thanks again for all the replies,  I will just call it a hoosier.  I haven't seen any with the center bin before, It appears that the right side had a flour bin.  I wonder how the flour didn't get full of bugs.  I am using it to store and display vintage glass so It will work wonderfully for that purpose.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Ceramic Thing
« on: July 06, 2013, 12:39:04 pm »
it looks like an aztec god.  My guess is it is from Mexico.  the oaxaca region produces black pots

thank you all for your replies.  By the look of the wood and the mechanism for the sliding top I would say it is old. Here are some close ups
maybe this will help

It is hard to tell but the cutting board is wore down towards the handle, a bowl shaped wear, the boards are quite wide

the flour bin, you pour the flour in top, looks like you scoop it out in the bottom.

this is the bracket that holds up the top, I have never seen this type before.  The table top appears to have been replaced

the side has pieces of oak horizontally, in front of the oak plywood,  This is why I think it is older, newer cheaper cabinets just had plywood

thanks again for the comments

Antique Questions Forum / unusual cabinet- hoosier- boone- sellers?
« on: July 06, 2013, 04:13:38 am »
Good morning everyone,

I just found this site and love it.  I purchased this  kitchen cabinet yesterday and have never seen another like it
It is solid oak and has a bin in the middle, one metal drawer, siverware draw, 2 cutting boards, one below the flour bin
one under the table top.  Some of the hardware is reproduction so I can't use it as a basis of what brand I have. Any info would be helpfu.
I already looked at the 2 hoosier links for ads and pictures and nothing is close

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