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Messages - njanigian

Pages: [1]
We are pretty sure that it came over on the boat. Great grandma says it came over on the boat (she said this long before her old age/fading memory)

As for taking it down temporarily, I will ask when I get home if that is something they would consider.

Is this painting anything we should consider insuring?

Firstly, my name is nick and I am new to the forum.

Our family has had this painting for at least 100 years. It came over on the boat from Germany, so I assume it was painted in Germany. It is a reverse glass painting. Some parts of the painting have American (or just English text) newspaper, so I assume the painting was re framed, or modified in some way in the past years. No signatures are visible, but we have made no attempt to see if any more of the painting is behind the frame. Also, it hasn't been taken off of the mantle in a few decades, so we don't know much about whats behind it.

All we know is that great-great grandma was considering getting rid of it , and great-grandma picked it up and kept it (probably around 1930 or so)

Any information is appreciated.

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