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Messages - Soledad

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Thank you mart and ghopper!

Actually I was talking about the panels in the side shot pictures.  You can see a definite difference in the wood type.  I'm not sure if the different wood types were used on purpose or someone used what they had to make some repairs on those sides.

None-the-less I really appreciate the help!  :)

Ok, I do apologize for the wait.  We've been busy trying to get things done around the house getting ready to move.
Anyway, instead of posting a few pictures directly to this forum/thread I took a bunch of photos and uploaded them to
Hopefully everyone will be able to access the pictures.

I've looked it over from top to bottom and there is not one marking, imprint or engraving signifying who made this.  I have noticed that it looks like it's been repaired here and there over the years because some of the wood panels and such don't match the original wood type and grain.  It is certainly in need of repair and due to the extremely dry climate we live in, the wood has dried out and cracked.  And there is now no doubt in my mind that this was all hand made and hand carved.

I'm now more curious than ever to figure out where this was made. 

Ok, thanks everyone.  I'll get some pics later today or more likely tomorrow.  I'll use our good camera instead of my phone this time.


My wife and I were given an old china hutch/huntboard/cabinet (not sure exactly what you'd call it) by her dad and mom many years ago.  We've always assumed it was just a handmade hutch.  But recently they noted that he purchased it in an estate auction in San Diego CA in 1990 for $1200.  He said that the estate auction was for Alonzo Erastus Horton who I believe is considered to be one of the "Founding Father's" of San Diego.

What I'd like to know is what era this hutch is from and what style.  If I had to guess I would say late 1800's or early 1900's.  And it might either be German or French but again that's only my untrained guess.  The stained glass top is extremely heavy leading me to believe that it could be leaded glass.  There are no markings of any kind underneath it or inside of it anywhere.  We will be cleaning it out soon so that we can move it and check the back of it as well.

Any ideas at all?


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