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Messages - esimuda

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: antique value??
« on: July 25, 2013, 01:23:38 pm »
Yeah, probably go the raw materials route

Antique Questions Forum / antique value??
« on: July 25, 2013, 12:13:34 pm »
During a visit to New Zealand in 1978 I toured the North Island. Don't remember the name of it but there was an area where families of Yugoslav origin had been mainly active in searching for KAURI GUM. The very friendly farmer we met explained that this industry dwindled after WWII. I don't remember the reason but probably because of new products were being manufactured. The old farmer still had a lot of gum samples in his toolshed. As souvenirs I got 2 pieces of Kauri Gum, harvested long before WWII. I checked with website and they say a lot about the different qualities. I have a question pending with them how one would recognize the quality - could an expert do that from pictures.

The question I want to put to this forum is: Would the pieces have an antique value because they were 'harvested' about 100 years ago? Or should I see these pieces as a form of raw material (justkiwi says approx 1 usd per gram and I have 300 grams)?

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Book Press
« on: July 15, 2013, 01:56:54 pm »
And KC / bigwull / Ipcress:
Indeed I double posted. And I'm sorry. Noticed that myself as well and tried to delete the double one but (probably because of inexperience / I just joined today) that didn't work. Sorry guys.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Book Press
« on: July 15, 2013, 01:51:06 pm »
Thanks very much KC, bigwull and Ipcress - your comments are indeed helpful. My question was based on the assumption that a company involved in manufacturing stationary and producing books would not be involved in casting an iron press themselves. But you are right, they may well have manufactured it themselves. I found some more references as well on the net about the Drapers.
KC: would you mind giving me your guess about its value - your note on it because of the identification plate made me think. I bought it some years ago for approx. 40 pounds.

Antique Questions Forum / Book Press
« on: July 15, 2013, 04:14:36 am »

I have a book press that is linked to manufacturers Draper, Son and Deakin. In a London Gazette March 2, 1883 announcement messrs. Draper, Draper and Deaking of 5 Little Tower St, London, give notice that their partnership has been dissolved by mutual consent per 31 December 1882. So far so good. On my book press however, 'Draper Son and Deakin are mentioned as manufacturers on a small plate affixed to the press. But in the London Gazette article they are 'in the business of stationers and printers'.

I am wondering why their name was on the press rather than the press' manufacturers name.

Antique Questions Forum / book press
« on: July 15, 2013, 04:12:44 am »
I have a book press that is linked to manufacturers Draper, Son and Deakin. In a London Gazette March 2, 1883 announcement messrs. Draper, Draper and Deaking of 5 Little Tower St, London, give notice that their partnership has been dissolved by mutual consent per 31 December 1882. So far so good. On my book press however, 'Draper Son and Deakin are mentioned as manufacturers on a small plate affixed to the press. But in the London Gazette article they are 'in the business of stationers and printers'.

I am wondering why their name was on the press rather than the press' manufacturers name.

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